Mystery Turn of the Central Venous Catheter! | Author : Dr. Dipak A.S. Lodhe MD , Dr. Sachin N. Rathore MD , Ms Samai D Lodhe | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Anaesthesiologist and intensive care physicians are the best skilled people for placement of central venous catheter. Complications related to Central venous catheter placement have decreased by substantial number due to use of ultrasound guidance to place or insert the same. Sometimes central venous catheter tip can be placed in an undesired vessel which is totally unintended called as central venous catheter malposition. This undesired position is not the complication of central venous catheter insertion but not paying attention to same on post procedure X-ray chest can lead to significant mortality and morbidity. After encountering one such incidence and its amazing look on chest x-ray(Fig 1 and Fig 2), I decided to dig into literature and found some interesting explanations that why and how it happened? After reviewing number of articles, it was found that central venous catheter malposition is associated with anatomical variance which can be congenital or acquired, use of left side of venous system for central venous catheter insertion, bevel orientation while inserting needle to locate central vein and physique of the patient. The purpose of this review is to address reasons for this malposition and ways to identify, correct and avoid the same. Even though X-ray chest is the standard imaging modality to detect complications of central venous catheter insertion, any unusual signs and symptoms of central venous catheter malposition should prompt operator to use additional diagnostic tools even if X-ray chest is normal or inconclusive to rule out malposition. |
| Water-Polymerisable Compositions "Epoxy Resin - Nanosilica – Mineral Fillers" for Out-Clinical Dental Prevention, and Self-Treatment of Carious and Traumatic Dental Damages | Author : D. Starokadomsky, M.Reshetnyk | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In our new experimental works, the existence of highly filled epoxy-mineral compositions capable to polymerize in wet or water conditions. Their ?ompositions consist of ordinary, cheap, commonly available components, and are filled with water-curing fillers (gypsum, cement). The technology of their curing provides for a combination of exposure and heating modes before application. They water-cured epoxy-compositions can be use for fast dental filling and restoring damages of teeth, outside of clinical conditions. These hypotheses found confirmation in the obtained results of dental repair on volunteers. The tooth powders and epoxy-composites from cheap available components, for use by non-specialists in domestic and non-clinical conditions – were developed and proposed. These results will be very useful for people and communities who, for various reasons (wars, out-cities, voyages, poverty, workload), are left without access to quality dental services. |
| Evaluation of the Activity of a Biologically Active Compound with Immunostimulating Properties in the Study Conditions | Author : Bakhriddin B. Muhammadjonov, 2Rustam R. Ganiev, 3Bakhodirjon T. Madvaliev, 4Usmonbek I. Urmonbekov, 5Otabek A. Ilmiyaminov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Under research conditions, the effect of a low-toxic biologically active aggregate obtained on the basis of plants on the immune system, as well as on all organs and systems, was studied. The presented work is described in detail in this plan, and as a result of the conducted studies, it is clear that the substance under study has an immunostimulating effect. |
| Evaluation of the Effect on the Nervous System of Substances with an Alkaloid Structure Having Antitumor Activity | Author : Yu.R. Mirzaev, T.T. Khamroev, E.M. Ruzimov, B.N. Khandamov, B.B. Abduazimov, Sh.M. Adizov, P.Kh.Yuldashev, B.J.Elmuradov | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Indole alkaloids including sedative activity of pyrazolone iodine methylate and pyrazolone chloride were caused by alcohol sleep and feeling against arousal or fear effects were studied by the Sonberg method. In this study, pyrazoline iodine methylate and pyrazaline chloride reduced sleep time by increasing the sleep time caused by alcohol, in the Sonberg method, the excretion of urine and excrement by experimental animals decreased due to noise and external factors. This indicates that the studied substances have a calming effect. |
| Femoral neck anteversion, Neck shaft angle and Greater trochanter thickness - Anthropometric study and their Clinical implications | Author : Dr. Geeta Anasuya. D, Dr. M.Vijaianand , M Sobana, Dr. Sheela Grace Jeevamani MS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Proximal femur anthropometric measurements are important to determine the size of the implants especially in joint replacement procedures and fracture fixations. Measurements vary between the populations of various geographical locations. So it is vital to know normal anatomical measurements of proximal femur of our Indian population. Aims and objectives of the study: Our aim of the study was to measure the angle of anteversion of femoral neck, neck shaft angle and thickness of greater trochanter and to correlate them clinically. Materials and methods: We have included 134 femurs for the study from the department of anatomy. Measurements were taken using Goniometer, sliding caliper, digital calipers and osteometric board. Results: Of these 134 femurs, right and left side distribution was 72 (53.7%) and 62 (46.3%) respectively. On right side, mild anteversion was seen in 9 (12.5%) femurs, moderate anteversion in 55 (76.38%) femurs , severe degree in 3 (4.16%) and marked degree of anteversion seen in 5 (6.94%) femurs. On left side, mild anteversion was seen in 9 (14.51%) femurs, moderate anteversion in 50 (80.64%), severe in 2 (3.22%) femurs and marked anteversion was noted in 1 (1.61%) femur. The mean value of neck shaft angle for left femur is more than the right femur. The difference in p-value for greater trochanter thickness was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The study would be advantageous in the arena of Orthopedic surgery for various hip pathologies like fracture fixation and joint replacement surgeries regarding selection of appropriate implants, forensic anthropology and also to the anatomists. |
| Reduction in Hba1c in an Adolescent Male with Type-2 Diabetes by Lifestyle Modification | Author : Dr J. V. Dixit,Dr Shraddha Badgujar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :An 18-year-old male, was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in September 2021 with HbA1c-14%. His physician prescribed insulin administration starting immediately due to his high HbA1c levels. However, the patients’ parents were reluctant to initiate lifelong medications at such a young age. So, they chose conservative management of lifestyle modification by enrolling in ‘World free of Obesity and Diabetes’ campaign that advised ‘two meals a day and exercise’ for diabetes remission. He followed the plan very meticulously and his HbA1c was successfully reduced by 8% (HbA1c- from 14% to 6%) within 3 months without any medications. Diabetes remission by lifestyle modification is a healthier option especially for young adolescents. When encouraged and counselled this can be an effective way to manage diabetes in young patients and prevent further complications. American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests that, metformin should be started to the pre-diabetes and newly diagnosed group of patients along with lifestyle modifications. But there are evidences of complete diabetes reversal of the patients with HbA1c ranging from 8- 15% by just lifestyle modification among the patients registered under ‘World free of obesity and diabetes’ campaign. |