Rise of Guillain Barre Cases Associated with Campylobacter Jejuni Infection in Mexico 2024 | Author : Hector Gabriel Zamora Valenzuela, Alexis López Alonso, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Guillain-Barré syndrome is an autoimmune neurological disease that is currently the leading cause of acute flaccid paralysis in first and second level hospitals in Mexico, usually with a history of precursor infection by Campylobacter Jejuni described as gram- negative, aerobic and motile bacilli bacteria. In Mexico, an epidemiological alert was launched on March 5, 2024, which refers to an increase in cases of Guillain-Barré with a high suspicion of a previous infection by Campylobacter Jejuni, this in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. As of March 29, 2024, 81 cases of acute flaccid paralysis have been reported, of these, 42 cases have been positive for Campylobacter Jejuni bacteria and 34 have been classified as Guillain-Barré syndrome, and four deaths associated with this condition have been reported. |
| Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Urinary Tract Infections | Author : Haider Hamid Khudiar, Wisal Raoof Yaseen, Nihad Habeeb Mutlag Alezerjawi, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :UTIs, which are also commonly referred to as urinary tract infections, are a common and sometimes reoccurring infection that can range from happening on their own to posing a severe risk to the health of the patient. This condition is characterized by the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary canal or strictures. This is the defining characteristic of the disorder. Not only is this a widespread source of illness and death, but it is also a substantial contributor to the development of antibiotic resistance. It is estimated that Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae are the most common forms of pathogenic bacteria that are responsible for urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections are a public health concern that can be caused by so many different types of bacteria that are considered to be harmful. Some individuals are of the opinion that the majority of the financial burden that these diseases generate can be attributed to the high incidence rates and novel drug resistance that have been created by uropathogenic bacteria. This is a hypothesis that has been proposed by someone. |
| Hormonal Changes During Acute Stress Response | Author : Zainab Tawfeeq Al-Joubour, Iqbal AbdAlaziz Huzam AlRufaei, Irfan Abdulzahra Al- Khazaali, Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Assi, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In today’s environment, people constantly find themselves confronted with a wide range of upsetting situations. It is possible for stress to cause changes in the levels of a wide variety of hormones that are found in the serum, including glucocorticoids, catecholamines, growth hormone, and thyroid hormones. The “fight or flight” response requires certain adjustments to be made in order to ensure the individual’s safety. There is a possibility that certain stress-related responses can lead to endocrine illnesses such as Graves’ disease, gonadal dysfunction, psychosexual dwarfism, and obesity. Furthermore, stress has the potential to alter the clinical status of a wide variety of preexisting endocrine illnesses, such as contributing to the onset of adrenal crisis and thyroid storm. Significant consequences of stress include changes in behavior and systemic alterations, as well as changes in cellular mechanisms, hormonal , and brain stimulation. These changes can be observed at all levels, including cellular mechanisms, hormonal changes, and brain stimulation. An entirely new field of research has lately revealed the impacts of stress on human behavior, social cognition, and health. This is in spite of the fact that the influence of stress on health has been the subject of substantial research for a considerable amount of time. |
| Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Periodontitis | Author : Karar Abdulzahra Mahdi, Wasnaa M. Abdulridha, Ammar MOHI, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Oral pathogenic bacterial species have a direct impact the pathology of tooth decay and gum disease. Oral pathogenic bacteria engage in negative cooperation with the host by exchanging information, immunological responses, and metabolic status through bidirectional communication between the systemic organs and mouth cavity. The oral cavity serves as a crucial interface between the human body and the surrounding environment. The microbial compositions in different regions of the oral cavity vary due to the distinct microenvironments present. These microenvironments are influenced by a combination of intricate signals, hosts, and external ecological factors. This review highlights the causative bacterial agents that are responsible for adult periodontitis. |
| Analysis of Risk Factors for the Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections of Gonorrhea in Male Patients at Hitam Putih Clinic in Gorontalo | Author : Nurhaedah Azis, Sunarto Kadir, Vivien N.A Kasim, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that occurs most frequently throughout the world every year and is the second most common infection caused by bacteria. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors including education, employment, marital status, alcohol consumption status, sexual practices history, condom use behavior, and the most dominant risk factors for the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) of Gonorrhea in male patients at the Hitam Putih Clinic in Gorontalo. The research design employed was an analytical observational approach with a case-control design. The sample in this study comprised 33 male patients with gonorrhea and 66 male control patients with non-gonorrhea, matched based on patients’ age. Data were analyzed using Odds Ratio (OR) with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) in the Mantel-Haenszel test. If the OR value was > 1 and the p-value was = a (0.05), it meant that the factor increased the risk. Factors include educational background (OR=1.963; p=0.120), employment status (OR=3.077; p=0.01), marital status (OR=2.870; p=0.02), alcohol consumption status (OR=4.080; p =0.03), sexual practices history (OR=21.350; p=0.000), condom use behavior (OR=4.389; p=0.007) were risk factors for gonorrhea, where sexual practices history (OR=35.704; p=0.000) stood out as the most dominant risk factor. Therefore, those variables represented significant risk factors for the occurrence of Gonorrhea among male patients in the Hitam Putih Clinic in Gorontalo. Educational background, employment status, marital status, alcohol consumption status, sexual practices history, and condom use behavior are the risk factors of gonorrhea where the sexual practices history stands out as the most dominant risk factor. |
| Spontaneous Ruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformation in Adolescent Patient: Case Report | Author : Arrizki Azka Pratama, Meyvita Silviana, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs) are one of the most common causes of intracranial hemorrhage in the adolescent. AVMs are relatively rare as congenital intracranial abnormalities but these lesions are becoming frequently reported. AVMs generally has no any symptoms and only recognized after intracranial or subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs. This disease usually gives symptoms of headaches and seizures without cause. However, along with the development of medical technology, arteriovenous malformation lesions are common.
Case report: This 24 year old woman in unconscious with right hemiparesis and atypical chronic progressive headache with vas 8-9, without aura. Previously the patient had a seizure with a duration of 5 minutes, rigid all over body. The patient had no prior history of trauma, infection, hypertension, diabetes or stroke. GCS E2M5Vaphasia with motoric aphasia, motoric and sensory deficits in the form of right hemiparesis, paresis of N. VII, increased physiological reflexes, and positive Babinsky reflex. CT-Scan Angiography imaging of the head showed intraparenchymal bleeding in the left temporoparietal lobe with perifocal edema, AVM in the left temporalis region with a nidus with a feeding artery from the left MCA and a draining vein from the left transverse sinus. The patient was referred for further vascular intervention.
Discuss: AVMs was previously considered a congenital malformation with risk of bleeding in anomalous tissue or nidus occurring within the brain parenchyma. Rupture of the artery and discharge into the subarachnoid space causes a sudden increase in ICP, cerebral vascular vasospasm resulting in global and focal brain dysfunction. In addition, with the increasing use of non-invasive intracranial imaging, AVMs can be detected directly. |
| Laboratory Tests for The Diagnosis of Breast Cancer | Author : Salena Abdul Abbas Naser, Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Assi, 3Shahad Saad Mohammed, 4Ali A. Al-fahhamSalena Abdul Abbas Naser, 2Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Assi, Shahad Saad Mohammed, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Breast cancer (BC) has posed a significant threat to the general health of women globally, with its incidence and mortality rates showing a noticeable increase in China over time. Research indicates that the survival rate for early-stage breast cancer patients is significantly higher compared to those diagnosed at middle or late stages. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on research for the rapid diagnosis of breast cancer. Numerous diagnostic methods have been developed to date, primarily utilizing imaging and molecular biotechnology. These methods have greatly contributed to the diagnosis and follow up of BC. In this review article, a brief explanation has been introduced about the main laboratory methods that are recently used in the diagnosis of BC. It has been concluded that many diagnostic methods have been developed to detect breast cancer at different stages of the tumor. Some of these tests have been used to determine the appropriate chemotherapy method (e.g. molecular tests for gene changes), other are more generic in the determination of many tumor (e.g. complete blood count), while salivary methods are still controversial in the diagnosis of BC. |
| A Rare Case of Early Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in 34-Year-Old Woman: A Caution for Adnexal Tumor Mimicry | Author : Jesslyn Wijaya, Muhammad Nisril Syahputra, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) are the leading type of mesenchymal tumor in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, constituting 80% of these tumors and 0.1% to 3% of all gastrointestinal malignancies. They arise from spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells known as interstitial cells of Cajal. Its onset can be at any age, with the peak occurring in the sixth decade.
Case Presentation: We report the case of a 34-year-old woman with a complaint about a lump in her lower abdomen that has been progressively enlarging over the past year without any significant symptoms following the lump. Findings in the ultrasound suggest an ovarian mass. Laparotomy was carried out, and while no ovarian mass was found, instead a mass was identified in the mesentery of the small bowel. As a result, a complete excision of the tumor was performed, with histopathologic and immunohistochemical results confirming a GIST diagnosis.
Conclusion: Representing a tiny percentage of gastrointestinal tumors, GISTs are rare. GISTs may be asymptomatic or present without any typical symptoms. Sole reliance on clinical and radiological investigations can cause them to be easily overlooked. Awareness of GIST is critical and care must be taken in diagnosis since other tumor can mimic GISTs in endoscopic, imaging, and histological findings.
| Analysis of Determinants Related to Work Accidents in Nurses in Hospital Dr. Mm Dunda Limboto | Author : Rosita Abdul, Netty Ino Ischak,Djuna Lamondo, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Labor is a human resource which is a very important asset and is an inseparable element in the process of production service activities and other supporting elements (Mudjimu, 2019). Hospitals as a part of the health service system generally provide services to the community in the form of health services including medical services, medical support services, medical rehabilitation, and nursing services. This research aims to analyze the determinants of factors related to work accidents among nurses at RSUD. Dr. M.M Dunda Limboto . Analytical survey research method with a cross-sectional study design. The population is all RSUD ASN nurses. MMDunda Limboto has as many as 152 people. Sampling used Simple Random Sampling, the sample size was 110 people which was calculated using the Slovin formula. Analysis was carried out using the chi-square test and linear regression test. The results of the chi-square test research showed age (? value 0.000), obesity (? value 0.018), education (? value 0.000), years of service (? value 0.000), knowledge (? value 0.000), attitude ( ? value 0.000). The linear regression test obtained the variable gender and length of service, F counts 13.972 and ? value 0.000, R=0.455 and R Square =0.207. This research concludes that there is a relationship between age, obesity, education, length of service, knowledge, attitude, and work accidents among nurses at RSUD. Dr. M.M Dunda Limboto . Gender and length of service are the variables most related to work accidents among nurses at RSUD MM Dunda Limboto at 20.7%, a medium level of significance. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses use PPE such as gloves, masks, eye protection, and protective gowns when necessary and take part in regular safety training. |
| Pathogenic Species of Staphylococcus: A Review Article | Author : Shahad Saad Mohammed, Safa Nihad Abed Shubar, Salena Abdul Abbas Naser, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The genus Staphylococcus includes a wide range of species that are well-known for their saprophytic habit making them very important in clinical practice. The most common species of Staphylococcus are : S. aureus and S. epidermidis, which are well studied for their large contribution in health-cate associated infections. Many staphylococcal species have been commonly identified for their pathogenic action. The high attention that has been paid on these pathogenic bacteria is because of the increasing number of clinical studies that focused on their roles in different types of series infections, which have progressively increased human and financial cost to countries and societies. |
| Imaging Diagnosis of Breast Cancer | Author : Majid. A.Z. Albadry, Hussban Abood Saber, Ahmed M. Amshawee, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :With millions of people all over the world being affected by it, breast cancer remains a big and ubiquitous health problem that continues to be a concern. With regard to the early identification and treatment of breast cancer, this review paper places a strong emphasis on the central role that diagnostic equipment play. Molecular testing and magnetic resonance imaging are two examples of new technologies that have been used to improve mammography, a crucial screening method for breast cancer. These technologies offer increased sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of breast cancers, making mammography an important screening approach. Nevertheless, the provision of screening programs to a diverse variety of persons continues to be a challenge, particularly in locations that have limited materials and resources. |
| The Relationship between Exclusive Breastfeeding History and the Incidence if Stunting in Children Aged 24-59 Months in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar Regency | Author : Sri Dwi Wulandari, Lia lajuna, Kartinazahri, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introductions: The high incidence of stunting in Indonesia is caused by various factors, one of which is Exclusive Breastfeeding. Based on data from 2020, 22% or around 149.2 million under-five children in the world experienced stunting. The WHO has set a target for stunting reduction of 20%. According to data from the Aceh health profile in 2022, the stunting rate among under-five children in Aceh Besar was 32.4%.
Research Objective: To determine the relationship between the history of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-59 months in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar Regency in 2023.
Research Method: This research used an observational analytic design with a retrospective cohort approach. The sample in this study was children aged 24-59 months, taken based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Research Results: The results of the research analysis showed a relationship between the history of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting, with a p-value of 0.01 (a<0.05) and an OR of 0.285 in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar Regency.
Conclusion: Exclusive Breastfeeding has a relationship with the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-59 months. |
| Development of Comic Media to Enhance Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescent Girls Towards Personal Hygiene | Author : Anita Anita, Yusnaini, Iin Fitraniar, Nurlaili Ramli, Cut Sriyanti, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: This research aims to explore and design a comic book cover design that can attract the attention of adolescents, considering input from a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Visual style and aesthetics of the comic are considered crucial to engage the primary target audience, which is adolescents.
Materials & Methods: This study used a qualitative approach to explore the development of an Islamic-themed comic suitable for the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) community. The research employed a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach to gather input and preferences from adolescents regarding the cover design, characters, storyline, and visual aesthetics of the comic. The FGD discussion results were then used as a basis to design a comic that aligns with the target audience.
Results: The development of an Islamic-themed comic for the pesantren community requires attention to several critical aspects. First, the comic must prioritize the conveyance of moral messages and Islamic teachings through its visual aesthetics, featuring scenes that reflect the ethics, morality, and religious practices upheld by the pesantren. The use of widely recognized Islamic symbols, such as Arabic calligraphy and Islamic emblems, can reinforce the Islamic identity of the comic. The selection of warm and neutral colors is also essential to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which is characteristic of the religious context. A simpler, cleaner, and more realistic artistic style is generally preferred by the pesantren community. Attention to representational ethics, such as the selection of modest clothing and character appearances that reflect propriety and dignity, must also be considered. Finally, the visual aesthetics of the comic should reflect the local cultural context of the pesantren, to enrich the visual experience of the readers and strengthen the identity of the pesantren. The FGD results emphasize that the comic book cover design should be simple yet appealing, using vibrant colors that can captivate adolescents. The Japanese or Korean anime visual style is considered most suitable to the current tastes of adolescents. However, Islamic values must be maintained, such as in the character’s appearance and attitude, which should reflect an Islamic personality. Furthermore, the main character of the comic should embody a diligent and positive female role model to inspire adolescent readers. The storyline is designed to provide a comprehensive and educational narrative about personal hygiene in the life of a pesantren.
Conclusion: The findings of this research emphasize the importance of a simple yet appealing comic book cover design, utilizing Japanese or Korean anime styles to capture the attention of adolescents while still maintaining Islamic values. The visual aesthetics of the comic must reflect the moral message of Islam through the use of Islamic symbols, appropriate color choices, and a simple yet realistic art style. |
| The Role of Swimming Training in Preventing Preeclampsia During Pregnancy | Author : Oktalia Sabrida, Yuni Sari, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Preeclampsia is a serious complication that affects pregnant women and poses risks to both maternal and fetal health. Understanding the relationship between swimming training and the risk of preeclampsia is crucial in developing comprehensive guidelines and exercise programs. This knowledge can empower pregnant women and healthcare professionals to utilize swimming as part of a strategy for preventing and managing preeclampsia.
Materials & Methods: The research method involved a thorough literature search in various sources such as electronic databases, journals, and other related articles. Inclusion criteria were set to select studies relevant to the research topic. The results of the literature search were systematically analyzed and synthesized.
Results: According to the findings of this study, swimming training has a significant role in preventing preeclampsia during pregnancy. Engaging in regular swimming exercises during pregnancy can effectively reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia. The underlying mechanisms that contribute to this preventive effect include improved blood circulation, better control of blood pressure, and a reduction in inflammation within the body. These research findings hold important implications for the development of comprehensive guidelines and exercise programs specifically designed for pregnant women. By incorporating swimming as a part of the prevention and management strategy for preeclampsia, pregnant women and healthcare professionals can benefit greatly
Conclusions: The effectiveness of swimming training in preventing preeclampsia during pregnancy by improving blood circulation, blood pressure control, and reducing inflammation |
| Revisiting Scalp Tissue Expander in Indonesia: Restoration of Cicatricial Alopecia | Author : Agnesia Alyssa, Hashfi Azhar, Frank Buchari, Felicia Dewi, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Scalp alopecia from burn injuries significantly impacts physical appearance and psychological well-being, often leading to social phobia. Tissue expanders have been effective in reconstructive surgeries, offering advantages in restoring hair-bearing scalp areas with excellent color and texture match. However, comprehensive algorithms for their use, particularly in Indonesia, are lacking.
Case Presentation: A 10-year-old girl with cicatricial alopecia on the right lateral, frontal, and vertex of the scalp from a burn injury sought reconstructive surgery due to teasing from peers. A 400 mL round silicone expander was implanted and gradually expanded over five weeks. Reconstruction surgery advanced the expanded flap towards the frontal area, improving her hairline. Despite minor necrosis at the flap’s distal margin, which healed by secondary intention, the outcome was favorable.
Discussion: This case demonstrates the effectiveness of tissue expanders in scalp reconstruction. Benefits include improved cosmetic outcomes and decreased donor site morbidity, though complications such as infection and alopecia in the expanded tissue require careful management. The underutilization of tissue expanders in Indonesia may be due to lack of insurance coverage and limited local availability.
Conclusion: Scalp tissue expansion is a beneficial technique for reconstructing scalp defects, especially in burn-induced alopecia. Wider adoption in regions with limited advanced modalities could significantly benefit patients. |
| The Effect of Health Education Using Comic Media on Knowledge and Attitude towards Personal Hygiene among Adolescent Girls in Dayah Insan Qur’ani, Sukamakmur District, Aceh Besar Regency | Author : Putri Soleman Sarti, Anita Anita, Yusnaini, Iin Fitraniar, Magfirah, Nurlaili Ramli, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Proper personal hygiene is essential for adolescent girls’ health and well-being. However, many adolescent girls lack knowledge and have negative attitudes towards personal hygiene. Health education using engaging media, such as comics, can be an effective approach to improve knowledge and attitudes in this population.
Objective: This study aims to investigate the effect of health education using comic media on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent girls towards personal hygiene.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post design. The study involved 75 adolescent girls from Dayah Insan Qur’ani, Sukamakmur District, Aceh Besar Regency. Data on knowledge and attitudes were collected through questionnaires before and after the provision of a health education comic.
Results: The results showed that before the comic intervention, the majority of respondents had poor knowledge (64.6%) and negative attitudes (56.9%) towards personal hygiene. After the intervention, the proportion of respondents with poor knowledge decreased to 55.5%, and most (56.9%) had a positive attitude. Statistical analysis indicated a significant effect of the comic-based health education on both knowledge (p < 0.05) and attitudes (p < 0.05) of the adolescent girls.
Conclusion: Health education using comic media is effective in improving the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent girls towards personal hygiene. This suggests that comics can be a valuable educational tool to promote better personal hygiene practices among adolescent girls. |
| Effect of Vitamin D3 on Lipids Metabolism and Adipose Tissue Biology | Author : Maha K. Ibrahim, Eqbal Abdul-Aziz, Zainab J. Abdulridha, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There are many different kinds of cells that make up adipose tissue, and it plays a vital part in the regulation of inflammation and the maintenance of energy balance, both locally and throughout the body. It is one of the most important organs that is not skeletal in nature and serves as the principal storage location for vitamin D. Vitamin D also has an effect on this organ. It is vital to take into consideration the specific cell type, the stage of differentiation, and the length of time that the therapy is delivered in order to determine how vitamin D can affect multiple aspects of adipose tissue function and development. This is because vitamin D can help determine how vitamin D can influence these aspects. In spite of this, vitamin D has the ability to either slow down or speed up the differentiation process of adipocytes, which are cells that are responsible for the synthesis of fat. This is dependent on the specific cell type. Vitamin D is not only responsible for this, but it also plays a role in the regulation of the energy metabolism that occurs in adipose tissue. The oxidation of fatty acids, the expression of uncoupling proteins, insulin resistance, and the synthesis of adipokines are all altered as a result of this process. Furthermore, inflammation of adipose tissue is a substantial contribution to the metabolic abnormalities that are often associated with obesity. This is because adipose tissue is a major source of fat. There is evidence that vitamin D has the potential to influence the inflammatory response of immune cells, as well as the systemic response and adipocytes that are present in adipose tissue. Vitamin D also has the ability to influence the inflammatory response of immune cells. Additionally, vitamin D has the capacity to prevent the development of cancer in some people. |
| The Impact of Exclusive Breastfeeding Promotion on Increasing The Interest of Pregnant Women in Exclusive Breastfeeding | Author : Emilda, Asmanidar, Nora Veri, Ani Laila, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding is one of the important efforts to increase breastfeeding practices. However, the extent to which the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding affects the interest of pregnant women in providing exclusive breastfeeding still needs to be further examined. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of studies examining the impact of exclusive breastfeeding promotion on increasing the interest of pregnant women in providing exclusive breastfeeding.
Materials & Methods: Literature searches were conducted on electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. Articles that meet the inclusion criteria will be analyzed narratively.
Results: The results of the systematic review show that comprehensive promotion of exclusive breastfeeding, including antenatal education, counseling, and postpartum support, significantly increases the interest and practice of pregnant women in providing exclusive breastfeeding. Factors such as the involvement of health workers, families, and the social environment also contribute to increasing maternal interest.
Conclusions: Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding that is carried out comprehensively and integrated into the health care system has been proven effective in increasing the interest of pregnant women to provide exclusive breastfeeding. These interventions need to consider the local cultural, economic, and health system contexts.
| The Relationship between Dietary Diversity and the Risk of Stunting in Young Children in Indonesia | Author : Nurbaiti, Shinta Iis Safitri, Yuni Sari, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Stunting, a form of chronic malnutrition, remains a significant public health issue in Indonesia, with high prevalence rates among young children. Dietary diversity has been identified as a crucial factor influencing the nutritional status and risk of stunting in this population. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between dietary diversity and the risk of stunting in young children in Indonesia.
Materials & Methods: Literature searches were conducted on electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. Articles that meet the inclusion criteria will be analyzed narratively.
Results: The findings demonstrate a significant inverse relationship between dietary diversity and the risk of stunting. Children with higher dietary diversity were found to have a lower likelihood of being stunted compared to those with lower dietary diversity. The results also suggest that dietary diversity can serve as a proxy indicator for nutrient adequacy in this context.
Conclusions: Promoting increased dietary diversity among young children and their mothers emerges as a key strategy to address the high prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. Interventions focusing on improving access to and consumption of a diverse range of nutritious foods, such as nutrition education, food production diversification, and food distribution programs, are recommended to contribute to the reduction of stunting in the country. |
| GC-MS and Molecular Docking Studies of Crude Extract and Fraction of Napoleonae Imperialis as A Potent Antidiabetic Compound | Author : Mba, O.J., Ajaghaku, D.L., Edward, U.I., Ogbonna, B.O., Azubuike, N.J., Uroko, R.I., | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR-?) agonists are bene?cial in the treatment of diabetes by stimulating insulin sensitivity and antagonizing hepatic gluconeogenesis.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the antidiabetic e?ect of phytocompounds synthesized from crude extract and fraction of Napoleonae imperialis, using GC-MS analysis and molecular docking studies.
Methods: Crude extract and fraction from N. imperialis were subjected to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for identification of bioactive compounds in the plant and molecular docking of Napoleonae imperialis on human PPAR-? protein was determined by Auto/Vina in Pymol 4.2 and compared with Glibenclamide, a known agonist of PPAR-?.
Results: Our present study reports the phytochemical analysis of the crude extract and fraction from the leaves of Napoleonae imperialis. Sixty one (61) and eighty four (84) compounds were revealed through GC-MS analysis of the crude extract and fraction of N. imperialis. Molecular docking revealed that Dibutyl phthalate, 7,9-ditert-butyl-1-oxaspiro (4,5) deca,6,9-diene,2,8-dione and Guaiol bound favourably to the target receptor involved in glucose metabolism with a binding score of -7.3 kcal/mol and -7.5 kcal/mol against PPAR-?.
Conclusions: N. imperialis methanol leaf extract and its bioactive compounds Dibutyl phthalate, 7,9-ditert-butyl-1-oxaspiro (4,5) deca,6,9-diene,2,8-dione and Guaiol had a signi?cant antidiabetic activity against PPAR-?. The molecular binding interaction of an in-silico data demonstrated that Guaiol has more speci?city towards the PPAR-? binding site and could be a potent antidiabetic compound.
| Computational Identification of Human TGF?1 Gene: SNPS and Prediction of Their Effect on Protein Functions of Preeclampsia Patients | Author : Omar Qahtan Yaseen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Growth factor (TGF-ß1) belongs to the superfamily (TGF-ß) as it has different roles and functions and participates in various physiological, biological, and pathological processes. The protein (TGF-ß1) works to regulate cellular processes through pathways in which there is a connection to membrane receptors, which are of two types, I and II. Gene expression (TGF-ß1) as well as its receptors can occur in the human placenta. This study aimed to identify some molecular parameters that could be considered accurate diagnostic parameters. Predictive bioinformatics techniques were used to predict whether the change occurring in the amino acid within the protein chain would affect the function of the protein in the future and thus the occurrence of the disease. The disease database, in which mutations were found, will be used and registered in the future. Mutations that occurred in the coding region that changed the amino acid in the protein were identified and tabulated in special tables. After that, the protein’s sequence was obtained, and four predictive bioinformatics algorithms were applied. The results of this study showed that most of the mutations affect the natural protein. The effect may be on the physical and chemical properties, and it may be on the structural stability of the protein. Conclusions The candidate mutations in this study are mutations that can be considered diagnostic molecular indicators of preeclampsia. |
| Etiology of Antisperm Antibodies in Infertile Men: A Review Article | Author : Safa Nihad Abed Shubar, Sarah Abbas Obaid, Noor Kareem Kadhim, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The presence of antisperm antibodies (ASAs) in infertile males is the underlying cause of ‘immune infertility’. The mechanism by which ASAs induce male infertility is not completely comprehended. Immune infertility is caused by the presence of antisperm antibodies (ASAs). While this form of infertility is very uncommon in men, it is crucial from a clinical and theoretical standpoint to comprehend the implications, targets, risk factors, and causes of male reproductive issues induced by ASAs. The main factors contributing to the cause of this condition are well recognized as anomalies in the blood-testis barrier and/or blood-epididymal barrier. Among the various parameters impacted, sperm motility is the most commonly detected. The present study elucidates the fundamental principles of ASAs, as well as their causes and risk factors. |
| Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Tonsillitis | Author : Shahad Saad Mohammed, Sarah Kassab Shandaway Al-Zamali, Raghad Obead AbdulAL-Abass, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tonsillitis, is defined as an infection of the palatine tonsils with bacterial or viral agents. It is classified as acute or chronic tonsillitis. This disease has effects on high percentage of individuals worldwide, especially children. Complications of tonsillitis are uncommon, they may include: rheumatic fever, ear infections, sleep apnea, acute glomerulonephritis, peritonsillar abscesses and scarlet fever, and. For chronic, frequent, recurrent tonsillitis, tonsillectomy is the recommended treatment strategy. Literature have listed the bacterial causative agents for acute and chronic tonsillitis, including: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus influenza. This review highlights the main bacterial causes of acute and chronic tonsillitis, their pathogenicity and treatment options. |
| Pain Perception during Initial Leveling and Alignment from Three Initial Wires of Different Sizes | Author : Amol Rajendra Agrawal, Sameer Parhad, Vinay Umale, Ashwini Gundawar, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Objective: The aim of this study was to determine pain perception during initial leveling and alignment from three initial archwires wires of different sizes.
Methods: A questionnaire-based study was conducted on 150 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. The pain perception differences between groups were assessed using visual analogue scale. Chi-square and fishers exact test was used for the normality test.
Results: The perceptions of pain showed significant difference between three archwire groups.
Conclusion: Pain perception was more with 0.016 inch archwire after 0.014 and 0.012 archwire. |
| Aminotransaminases: Structures, Functions and Clinical Significance | Author : Rasha M. Kamil, Majid. A.Z. Albadry, Intidhar I. Yaseen, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The liver exerts critical functions in metabolic reactions, nutrition, detoxifying toxins, and excretion of wastes from the body. Aminotransferase are: There are two enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of amino acids: ALT and AST. The presence of them is indicative of damage to liver cells. High levels of transaminases can aid health care providers to diagnose frequent and risky hepatic disease. Both nonalcoholic and alcoholic hepatic diseases are the most well-known etiologic factors of high transaminase levels. ALT is made up of 496 amino acids. It can be detected at low levels in serum, and in high levels in the liver. Several health problems can result in increased ALT concentrations, including: celiac disease, some muscle disorders, thyroid disorders, hereditary hemochromatosis, heart failure, hepatitis, obesity, alcohol consumption, acetaminophen, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. AST is made up of two typical dimers. It is a good indicator of human health and are of great clinical importance. High AST concentrations are frequently associated to septic shock, acute myocardial infarction, drug toxicity, cholestatic syndromes, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, inflammatory liver disease (viral hepatitis), exercise, thyroid disease, myopathy, hemolysis and skeletal muscle injury. |
| Depression and Suicidal Ideation: Awareness and Experience Among Students of Tertiary Institutions in South-South Nigeria | Author : Ehis Bodeno, Hendrith Esene, Vivian Omuemu, Obehi Okojie, Francis Osemhoahu Erah, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :AIM: Depression and suicidal ideation: Knowledge, perception and determinant among the students.
METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out among 406 students of Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State. The respondents were selected by multistage sampling method; all the students were stratified based on the faculties, departments and year of study. The sampling ratio for each year of study was calculated and a proportional allocation was carried out. Simple random sampling was applied to select the number of students from each college and year of study by using computer generated numbers. Structured, pre-tested, interviewer-administered questionnaire were the tools used for data collection. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20.0 and level of significance was set at p < 0.05.
RESULTS: Almost all, 98.5% and 80.3% of the respondents had good awareness on depression and suicidal ideation respectively, 12.1% had been diagnosed of depression, 11.3% experienced feeling down, depressed or hopeless nearly every day and 7.5% had intention of acting on thoughts about killing themselves.
CONCLUSION: Most of the respondents had good awareness about depression, a few diagnosed of depressive illness and about a tenth of them have had intention of acting on thoughts about killing themselves. Therefore, government at all levels and policy-makers should prioritize preventive interventions especially among vulnerable population. The Plan will include nationally agreed strategies relating specifically to depression and suicidal ideation. |
| Alkaline Phosphatase: Biochemical and Clinical Aspects | Author : Rouaida Kadhim A. al-hussein,Nagham Yahya Ghafil, Bashar Sabah Sahib, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a family of isoenzymes, settled on the exterior of the cellular membrane; these enzymes stimulate the hydrolysis of phosphate esters found in the extracellular space. Zinc and magnesium are important co-factors for the biochemical function of alkaline phosphatases. It is estimated that over 80% of the ALPs in sera are supplied by hepatic tissue and bone and in a lower amount from the gut. Although alkaline phosphatases are present in various tissues throughout the body, their specific physiological role is still not well understood. This large family of dimeric enzymes is classified into four isozymes based on the tissue in which they are expressed, these include: tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase or liver/bone/kidney ALP, Germ cell ALP, Placental ALP, and Intestinal ALP. The liver is the major supplier of ALP, which is account for most elevation of this enzyme.
The next likely factor is heightened osteoblast activity, commonly seen in bone disorders or during growth phases. Additionally, in the late third trimester of pregnancy, the increase in placental ALP significantly raises levels in expectant mothers.
| Giardiasis: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Treatment | Author : Ola Abdul Shaheed Naser, Mona Adel Ismai, Wijdan Dhaidan Shnain Al-Abbas, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Giardiasis has become a worldwide health problem and it is the most frequent cause of diarrhea in both pediatric and adults’ patients. Ingestion of cysts directly or indirectly via the fecal-oral route is the main mode of transmission. The laboratory diagnosis of Giardia spp. primarily relies on identifying microscopic cysts or trophozoites in stool samples. Additionally, various immunological assays and molecular methods are available for diagnosing giardiasis. The infection stimulates the immune system, leading to increased production of immunoglobulins and cytokines. Generally, metronidazole, nitazoxanide and tinidazole are the preferred drugs for treating giardiasis. This review summarizes existing literature on giardiasis, covering diagnosis, pathogenesis, management, and treatment. |