Cytomorphological Correlational Study of Thyroid Disorders with Imaging and Biochemical Serum Markers | Author : Dr. Zeenath Begum, Dr. Zoya Riyaz Syeda, Dr. Rohit Anil Khare, Dr. Sumaiyya Firdous, Dr. Asra Fatima, | Abstract | Full Text | |
| PRF As An Alternative Membrane to Autogenous Gingival Graft in The Treatment for Gingival Recession | Author : Chika Rani Safitri, Yosua Adi Setiawan, Agung Krismariono, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Gingival recession is a term when the marginal gingiva apically shifts from its normal position to the root surface level beyond the cementoenamel junction. Gingival recession can cause aesthetic and functional problems. Coronally advanced flap combined with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is considered a better therapy for the autogenous gingival graft because it doesn’t require a second surgical site. PRF is a potential growth factor for periodontal regeneration. The existence of leukocytes and various cytokines contained in PRF enables the self-modulation of infectious and inflammatory processes. This case report aims to describe the use of PRF for root coverage on the labial surfaces of the mandibular anterior teeth. Case Presentation: A female 42 years old, systemically healthy, non-smoking patient came with a chief complaint that the mandibular teeth often feel sensitive when exposed to iced or something cold. Clinical examinations revealed Miller’s Class I in #42 and #43. Case Management: The patient said that she doesn’t want a second surgical site. After initial therapy and maintenance, the patient was treated with a coronally advanced flap combined with PRF. Conclusion: The growth factors in PRF are involved in wound healing and is proposed as tissue regeneration promoter. PRF with coronally advanced flap has been shown to be a promising and successful approach for root coverage procedures. It significantly presents a significant gain in clinical attachment and also simultaneously helps with the gingival recession. |
| Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Approaches | Author : Hayder Neamah Hassan, Zainab Abidzaid Abid Al-Hadrawy, Salma Jehad Shehab, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disorder that is characterized by upward flux of gastric chyme into the oesophagus. It may happen with no erosion as retrograde flow disorder or can cause erosive esophagitis. It has impact on quality of life of patients causing health and social problems and is correlated with a high risk of malignant esophageal tumor, columnar-lined esophagus, esophageal narrowing and stenosis, and inflammation of esophagus. Genetic predisposition, cigarrete smoking, and obesity, bad lifestyle are considered as risk factors for causing GERD. Classical GERD symptoms are usually clear to reach the accurate diagnosis, but less frequent symptoms and signs, such as chronic coughing and dysphagia, may also happen. Lifestyle management, antacid therapy, and surgical procedures are the major treatment strategies for GERD. |
| Gestational Syphilis in Santos Sp Epidemiologic Analysis From 2016 To 2022 | Author : Juliana Fonte Beltran Paschoal, Delio Tiago Martins Malaquias, Camila Santos da Costa, Bruna Duarte Monteiro, Lorenza Rech Galvan, Giovana Rocha Victorello, Giovanna Vetter Paulino, Luana Sousa, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study analyzes the incidence and trends of gestational syphilis in the city of Santos SP between 2016 and 2022. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which can be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy if not properly treated. In Brazil, congenital syphilis is a public health concern and has been compulsorily notifiable since 1986. Objectives The study aims to describe the epidemiological profile of syphilis in pregnant women in Santos SP, analyzing the number of reported cases and detection rates over the years, comparing with national and state data. It also aims to contribute to a better understanding of local dynamics and public health policies related to syphilis among pregnant women. Methodology An ecological descriptive study was used to analyze secondary data from the Sao Paulo State Epidemiological Surveillance Center (CVESP). The data was obtained from the Santos Epidemiological Bulletin No. 5, 2023 edition. Results: Santos recorded a total of 1,049 confirmed cases of gestational syphilis during the period analyzed, with significant variations from year to year. There was an increase in reported cases, with peaks in 2021 and 2022. Detection rates also varied, with Santos showing rates higher than the national and state averages at various times. |
| Pathophysiology, The Biochemical and Clinical Significance of Lactate Dehydrogenase | Author : Mohammed Hasan Barrak, Farah Ali Dawood, Safa Nihad Abed Shubar, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a family of enzymes that catalyzes oxidation-reduction enzymes, the interconversion between pyruvic acid and lactic acid. It is an enzyme that terminates the final catabolic reaction in which glucose id hydrolyzes anaerobically (glycolysis) resulting in lactate from pyruvate. These varied biochemical characteristics significantly influence its specificity to cells, tissues, and organs. Although LDH is mainly found in the cytoplasm, it is also located in multiple organelles. The presence of blood LDH implies an enzyme marker, and it may be a sign of death for many conditions such as ARDS, severe COVID-19, and some cancers. When LDH levels in the blood are increased they can reflect liver disease or anemia plus heart attack in addition to bone fracture — and muscle trauma. This also includes cancerous formations; infections like encephalitis or meningitis — along with HIV. |
| Severe Pancytopenia and Urticaria Vasculitis Induced by Secukinumab in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Case Report | Author : Filka Georgieva, Zhenya Stoyanova | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by persistent joint inflammation and severe erythemo-squamous plaques on the skin. In recent decades, biological agents such as IL-17 drugs have been applied in the treatment of PA with very good results. The treatment has its adverse effects, but severe pancytopenia is extremely rare. We report a case of ? patient who was treated with secukinumab for 3 years and in the background of this treatment unlocked urticaria vasculitis and severe pancytopenia. In relation to psoriatic arthritis, there is almost complete clearing of the skin, but the joint pains are remitting in nature. |
| Surgical Interventions in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: A Review Article | Author : Hayder Neamah Hassan, Maryam Falih Hasan, Ali Hussein Abbas, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Congenital malformation of the heart stands as one of the most common congenital anomalies at birth. However, with the advancement in cardiovascular medicine and surgery, a majority of the children can nowadays still live for about 20 years. Unfortunately, the prolonged survival has its own consequences and many children face late complications among which heart failure and arrhythmias are predominant. The burden of congenital heart pathology looms large on the pediatric population mortality and morbidity statistics. While a number of endovascular procedures have been conceived as a substitute for surgical correction, percutaneous interventions have shown positive outcomes in many cases — all this without the stress and trauma associated with surgery especially for frail children. Our aim was to provide a review to look into possibility and effectiveness of endovascular procedures plus Internal prosthetics for managing pediatric patients with congenital malformation of the heart. |
| Evaluation of Some Aspergillus Mycotoxins in Patients with Bronchitis in Al-Najaf City | Author : Manar G. Alhussine, Hanan A. Mohammed, Yas A. Khudhair Al-Ameri, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aimed to establish whether the Aspergillus species identified from bronchitis patients were mycotoxigenic or non-mycotoxigenic fungi in sputum and serum samples. A total sample of 170 subjects with ages ranging from 15 to 72 years— were obtained from Al-Najaf Province (Al-Sadr Medical City) between December 2023 and April 2024, divided into patient (n=176) and healthy groups (n=34). The Aspergillus genera isolated were cultured on coconut agar medium and screened under UV light (360 nm); each sputum and serum sample was also tested using the ELISA technique. All Aspergillus strains exhibited blue fluorescence on Coconut Cream Agar (CCA) media under UV light, confirming positivity. The study identified production of aflatoxins B1 and ochratoxins-A in sputum and serum samples among both patients with bronchitis and control groups. The results showed a significant difference in patient groups by samples (P= 0.05) while the healthy groups showed a non-significant (P>0.05) difference. Most Aspergillus spp. Isolated from bronchitis patients were found to produce aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin-A on coconut agar medium— mycotoxins extracts included sputum (about 68.4% for aflatoxins-B1 and 41.7% for serum samples) and sputum (about 77.6% for ochratoxin-A and 91.7% for serum samples) taken from bronchitis patients, which were identified using ELISA technique. |
| The Effects of Green Tea Infusion on Blood Sugar Levels of Employees with Hyperglycemia | Author : Fransiska Claudio Fitriani, Anita Lidesna Shinta Amat, Desi Indriarini, Elisabeth Levina S. Setianingrum, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Blood sugar is one of the sources of energy in the body. Blood sugar levels are influenced by several factors such as age, gender, physical activity, stress, and diet. Increased blood sugar levels beyond normal limits are referred to as hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia can cause symptoms such as frequent thirst, dizziness, blurry vision, and increased urination intensity. Green tea has an antihyperglycemic effect because it contains catechins, tannins, saponins, and alkaloids that can lower blood sugar levels.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of consumption of infusion green tea on the blood sugar levels of employees with hyperglycemia.
Method: The research design used a pseudo-experimental design with a type of non-randomized control group pretest posttest design. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling nonprobability sampling method with a minimum sample of 18 respondents in each group. Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney analysis test and Wilcoxon Test.
Results: After being given green tea from a total of 18 respondents in the case group, 5 people experienced a decrease in blood sugar levels, 3 people experienced an increase, and 10 people experienced no change. The results of the analysis test showed no effect of infusion green tea on the blood sugar levels of employees with hyperglycemia with the results of the Mann-Whitney test value p = 0.20 and Wilcoxon test value p = 0.53.
Conclusions: There was no effect of infusion green tea on the blood sugar levels of employees with hyperglycemia. |
| Structure, Functions and Clinical Significance of DNA: A Review Article | Author : Ahmed M. Amshawee, Maryam A. Hussain, Seenaa Taqi Mansour al muhtaser, Ali A. Al- faham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) carries hereditary codes which is translated by the cells to synthesize the ribonucleic acid (RNA) and polypeptides which can generate and perform vital function. The double helix structure is the most studied model of the DNA that was proposed by Watson and Crick. The capability of DNA to work as a genetic material can be stored and conducted during cell division to permit this information to be doubled and transmitted to the incoming generation. Any damage in the structure of DNA is an essential direct cause for the progression of cancer and other disorders. The factors for DNA damage can be classified as exogenous and endogenous factors. In this review article, we highlight the evidence-supported information about the structure, functions and clinical significance of DNA. |
| Spectroscopy: Types, Principles and Clinical Uses | Author : lbtihaj H. Ali, Huda Oudah Saheb, Laith S. Alhiti r, Ali A. Al- Fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Spectroscopic techniques can be classified based on the types of ray, reaction between the material and the energy, the form of material used and the usages for which the assay is utilized. Several types of spectroscopies have been developed, but the most frequently-used spectrometer utilized for biochemical analyses include nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy, and atomic spectroscopy. This review highlights the main types of spectroscopies and their principle of action and other technical issue. Spectroscopic chemical analysis now plays a vital role in pharmaceutical manufacturing. It is used for medication identification and quality assessment, as well as detecting metal elements and compounds present in solid or water materials — not forgetting its significant value in medical diagnostics |
| Management of Twin Pregnancies and The Risk of Fetal Death | Author : Natália Garcia Adorno, Gabriela Mertz Araújo, Ana Clara Ayoroa Freire, Ana Cristina Carneiro Mendes,Larissa Carvalho Viegas, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Twin pregnancies can present risks to both mother and fetus. One of the biggest concerns in twin pregnancies is premature birth.
Objectives: To discuss the management of twin pregnancies in order to avoid fetal death. Material and Methods: The methodology used was a literature review. The research was carried out through an electronic search of scientific articles published between 2010 and 2024.
Discussion: Complications such as premature birth, pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction and gestational diabetes are more common in twin pregnancies. Reducing these complications requires a well-coordinated, multidisciplinary approach that includes rigorous prenatal monitoring, appropriate medical interventions, nutritional and psychological support for the pregnant woman, as well as specific strategies for birth management.
Conclusion: Twin pregnancies are always special. They are always monitored differently and the risks of them happening are always greater. Health professionals should therefore do their utmost to be aware of all possible complications during twin pregnancies. |
| Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c): Pathophysiology and Clinical Significance | Author : Assala Salam Jebur | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Diabetes mellitus has been widely-spread disorder worldwide and it causes a high level of pressure on services provided by health centers. The outcomes of patient can be greatly enhanced by early detection to overcome serious consequences. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) can be utilized to evaluate blood glucose level control over the last three to six months and establish efficient therapeutic strategy. The HbA1c levels can also be utilized to control glycemic levels in pregnant women suspected with diabetes mellitus. Anyhow, by increasing usage of HbA1c in laboratory work, it has been clearly recognized that non-glycemic factors may also have impact on glycated hemoglobin. This review cast a light on the principles of detection methods, pathophysiology and clinical significance of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). |
| Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: How Can It Be Assessed and Managed? | Author : Alhan Abd Al-Hassan Shalal, Baraa Bahaa Aldin, Farah Sadiq Abd Hashem, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious health problem characterized by constriction in the air passages that results from different etiologic factors. The problems of COPD include narrowing of the small air passages due to inflammation and destruction of the walls result from obstructive bronchiolitis as well as emphysema— this causes air entrapment leading to difficulty in breathing especially upon physical activity. It is a frequent source of morbidity in the world. The consequence of COPD may be mortality, disability and morbidity, in addition to causing high financial and social burnouts. To overcome the complications resulted from COPD, efficient methods of diagnosis and management should be established. The evaluation of COPD is performed by clinical examination, in addition to the indication provided by spirometry. Blood WBC number (especially eosinophil count) are crucial markers for the diagnosis, classifying, and complications of COPD. The classical of frequently used drugs in COPD include bronchodilators and corticosteroids. In this review, we highlight the main causes, diagnosis, pathophysiological aspects and treatment strategies for COPD. |
| Placebo Effect: The Stem of Seminal Studies with Active Treatment Neurobiological Mechanisms, And Implications for Parkinson’s Disease with Deep Brain Stimulation | Author : Thanapat Jitvootthikai | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Despite long standing controversies about the therapeutic validity of placebo due to its administration of inert substances, placebo emerges for its efficacy to amplify the therapeutic benefits of active medical interventions through patients’ psychological beliefs and expectations. Advances in neuroimaging and utilization of hormonal agonists have elucidated underlying brain mechanisms and biochemical pathways such as the endogenous opioid systems. This research synthesizes pivotal studies on placebo effect, including Beecher’s 1995 analysis; whereas, Hróbjartsson and Gøtzsche’s 2001 meta analysis refuted its clinical significance. In-depth interaction in the assumption of additivity between placebo and active treatment as well as deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease reveals the placebo’s prominence in brain reward mechanisms. Moreover, placebo mechanisms induce significant neurotransmission in the endogenous opioid systems and several brain regions including periaqueductal gray. Further inquiries are necessitated for precision in examining the role of expectation, emotions, interactions with test administrators, as well as genetic levels. |
| Periodontal Pathogens and Breast Cancer: Unravelling the Biological Links | Author : Aashiya yadav, C.S. Baiju, Kalyani Agarwal,Snigdha Singh, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Breast cancer and periodontitis, potentially related conditions affects millions worldwide . Latest research reveals that both the diseases share common pathways and these play a critical role in the development , progression and treatment of both conditions . Periodontitis , a chronic progressive inflammatory disease of the periodontium is being highlighted for its incrimination in causing various systemic diseases . The aim of this article is to put light onto all probable pathways that makes periodontal inflammation a risk factor for Breast cancer .. This article draws attention to the commonalities shared by the two diseases, in the context of chronic inflammation , microbial dysbiosis and immunological pathways in the initiation and progression of breast cancer . It emphasizes the role of multifaceted research to reveal the underlying pathways seen in this association . The inflammatory microenvironment seen in periodontitis mimics the microenvironment that brings about the process of oncogenesis in breast cancer . Crucial bacterial species intertwined in periodontitis, like Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis, are seen within breast cancer tissues, indicating a possible etiological link through bacteremia and later metastatic colonization . The inflammatory terrain specific of periodontitis, rich in cytokines, prostaglandins, and interleukins, simulates the inflammatory environment that promotes oncogenesis in breast tissue . Inheritable tendencies and hormonal influences, particularly estrogen metabolism intermediated by oral and gut microbiota, further intertwine these conditions . Elevated C- reactive protein situations, a marker of systemic inflammation seen in periodontitis, are also associated with increased breast cancer threat . Research indicates that elevated levels of molecules like RANK and its ligand RANKL may promote progression and metastasis in breast cancer . A comprehension of these pathways that link Periodontitis to breast cancer can offer beneficial awareness for developing preventive and curative strategies, if proven . Such knowledge could lead to innovative interventions targeting inflammatory processes potentially mitigating the risk and progress of the two diseases . After going through various available literature it could be said that periodontal pathogens might influence breast cancer either directly or through systemic inflammatory pathways . While some evidence hints at a possible link between periodontitis and breast cancer . Databases including PubMed , PubMed Central and ResearchGate were searched for articles yielding 32 relevant English articles between 2016 to 2023, which had one of the keywords of “Periodontal Disease” , “Breast cancer” , “Inflammation” and “Myeloid derived Suppressor cells” in their titles . A total of 13 English articles were selected by the researcher for final analysis. |
| The Role of Ursodeoxycholic Acid After Bariatric Surgery | Author : Alexis López Alonso, Hector Gabriel Zamora Valenzuela, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: currently obesity and overweight are two of the major public health problems worldwide, which haunts the health of more and more young people around the world, as this problem advances so does medicine, treatments and surgical procedures, such is the case of bariatric surgeries, which can have a great positive impact on the lives of patients who undergo these procedures, however, there are also post-surgical complications, such as acute cholestatic syndromes, which are becoming more and more frequent, so finding and describing a treatment to avoid these complications could be a fundamental piece in the management of these patients.
Methods: We conducted a purely observational and descriptive study by collecting data and information through a national and international literature review, where we selected control cases and meta-analysis which are detailed and described during this review.
Results: During the last years the popularity of the use of ursodeoxycholic acid has grown, since it has been mentioned its use out of indications as a prophylactic treatment after bariatric surgery, this alternative may sound favorable for the treating physician and for the patient, since it is safe and avoids complications according to different studies.
Conclusions: Multiple studies, including all those reviewed during this research show a highly positive benefit of the use of ursodeoxycholic acid, it is noteworthy that during this research, the only study that does not mention a positive effect of the use of ursodeoxycholic acid is the study of Muriel Coupaye et al. which mentions that no difference was found between the groups treated and not treated with ursodeoxycholic acid with 500mg/day. |
| Management of High Frenulum Attachment in Upper Anterior Teeth: A Case Report | Author : Vinanto Putero Negoro, Claudia Michelle Darjanki, Agung Krismariono, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Introduction: Frenulum is a mucous membrane fold that attach lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, gingiva, and underlying periosteum. A frenulum that extends to the gingival margin is pathogenic and indicated for removal. It causes diastema between teeth, gingival recession, difficult to maintain oral hygiene, the attached gingiva is weak, vestibule becomes short. Objective: The purpose of frenotomy is to reposition the frenulum attachment therefore improve esthetics smile from periodontal approach. Case Presentation: A 23 years old female patient came to RSKGMP Airlangga University with complaints of bleeding gums on the front of the maxillary teeth. On intra-oral examination, a high labial frenulum attachment was found in the mucosal folds. Case Management: Asepsis of the surgical area with povidone iodine, local anesthesia in the operating area, Clamp the labial frenulum region that will be incised using an artery clamp, followed by an incision at the top and bottom of the clamp using a 15C blade. Remove the muscle attachment, then suturing the gingiva with 4.0 silk suture, Irrigation with normal saline. Dry with gauze then cover the surgical area with a periodontal dressing (coe- pack). Patient were instructed restrict the movement of the lips and were prescribed antibiotics, analgesics and mouthwash. Conclusions: Frenotomy is a potential for treatment of improving periodontal aesthetics. |
| Clinical Applications of Nigella Sativa: A Review Article | Author : Maryam Mohammed Hussein M. Jawad, Warqa,a Muhammed Shariff Al-Sheikh, Husham Qassim Mohammed, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Black seed herb (Nigella sativa L.) is considered a nutraceutical herb, well-known among health-conscious individuals due to its wide range of benefits that attract curiosity not only from discerning individuals who value their health but also from scientific and pharmaceutical industries. It stands among those herbs which have been recently scrutinized for their anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory abilities. The seeds of N. sativa have been attributed several pharmaceutical and biological properties. It has also been found to promote anti-cancer activity, neuroprotective effects, treating infertility, pulmonary protective activity, enhancing renal and hepatic functions, protection of digestive system, antihypertensive actions, metabolic acceleration, antidiabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, increasing cell survival and immunomodulatory effects. |
| The Chemical Compositions and Antimicrobial Activity of Propolis: A Review Article | Author : Mahmood A. Al-Azzawi, Israa Sami Hadi, Israa Mamdooh Subhi, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The researchers have increasingly used propolis in recent alternative medicine studies, focusing on its biochemical structure, in addition to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral activities. The structure of biochemical components in propolis differs based on the species of the bees, country, plant source, and ecological factors. Commonly, propolis include organic compounds, pollen, essential oils, beeswax, and lipid. The organic components include aromatic acids, amino acids, steroids, coumarins, terpenoids, terpenes, polyphenols, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids. Clinical trial evidences point out that propolis and its compounds have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities. Studies have investigated the mode of action against pathogenic microbes. studies have exhibited that propolis may exert synergistic effect with antimicrobials, allowing the intake of minimal doses of antimicrobials and maximal activity against pathogenic microbes. This review highlights the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of propolis, focusing on mode of action and clinical uses. |
| Review Article: Cupping Therapy in Treatment of Certain Diseases | Author : Safa Khudair, Lubna Faisal Hussein, Shahad Imad Hameed, Saif Ali Mohammed Hussein, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The research undertaken has provided a comprehensive insight into the practice of cupping therapy, a traditional treatment modality that has seen resurgence in. modern complementary medicine. This exploration, focusing on a spectrum of. Conditions such as migraines, lower back pain, neck pain, knee osteoarthritis, and chronic urticaria, highlights the potential benefits and the necessity for a deeper. Scientific understanding of cupping therapy.
Cupping therapy, with its roots deeply embedded in ancient medical practices, offers a unique approach to treatment by promoting healing through increased blood flow and the release of toxins from the body. The application of this therapy in treating migraines has shown promising results, suggesting a decrease in the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes, thus offering an alternative for individuals seeking relief from this debilitating condition. Similarly, in the context of musculoskeletal pain such as lower back pain and neck pain, cupping therapy has been reported to improve patient outcomes by reducing pain and enhancing mobility. This is particularly significant in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, where the potential for non-pharmacological intervention can provide relief to those suffering from the chronic pain associated with this condition.
The current landscape of evidence supporting cupping therapy, while growing, highlights a gap in high-quality, randomized controlled trials that can provide definitive conclusions on its efficacy and safety. As such, this research emphasizes the importance of integrating traditional practices with modern scientific rigor. Developing a clearer understanding of the mechanisms underlying cupping therapy, alongside comprehensive evaluations of its clinical applications, is essential for its acceptance within the broader medical community.
In conclusion, the journey of rediscovering and validating the benefits of cupping therapy as a complementary treatment option represents an exciting frontier in the integration of traditional and modern medicine. By fostering a holistic approach to health that respects both historical wisdom and contemporary scientific standards, we can enrich the therapeutic options available to patients. The promise of cupping therapy, coupled with a commitment to rigorous research, holds the potential to enhance patient care and wellbeing in a manner that is both innovative and deeply rooted in history. |
| The Biochemistry and Clinical Importance of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA): A Review Article | Author : Ihab Q. Ali, Baidaa Rasoul Dakhil, Bushra A. M. Abdul Azeez, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a compound that is found in almost all the cells of animals, plants, microbial, and viral particles. It is constituted from a polymer of nucleotides that contain a ribose sugar. There are many main types of RNAs, but the major types that take part in protein formation: are transfer RNA (tRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and messenger RNA (mRNA). The alteration in nucleotide sequence of RNA in viruses may be responsible for development of different diseases in living organisms. There is a huge variation in RNA viruses, such as retrovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, which account for many human illnesses. In this review article, we shed light on the evidence-supported information about the biochemical aspects and clinical importance of RNA. |
| An Overview of The Effects of Indoor Fungi on Human Health | Author : ALI A ALSUDANI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :According to estimates, concerns about the quality of indoor air may be present in as many as 30% of buildings globally. Both organic and inorganic particles are potential air pollution sources. This article focuses on biological air pollutants originating from living and non-living organisms, particularly those related to fungi. Domestic house indoor air contains fungi that, to a significant extent, share the same species composition as those outside the building. When rooms are ventilated or through other openings, microorganisms enter buildings where they can grow on the surfaces of a variety of materials. Intensely grows in stuffy, humid, poorly ventilated areas. For this reason, residents may experience more discomfort from exposure to interior air pollution than they would from exposure to outside air contaminants. Due to their propensity to produce mycotoxins, allergic reactions, volatile organic chemicals, and even fungal illnesses, fungi can be extremely dangerous when found in residential buildings.