A Comprehensive Review of Advances in Molecular Diagnostics and Treatment of Trypanosomiasis | Author : Safa M Abdulateef, Noor Adil Abood, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This review aims to give a thorough account of the latest development in the molecular diagnostics and therapy of Trypanosomiasis due to Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi. We focus on recent diagnostic approaches such as PCR, LAMP, and CRISPR applying high specificity to increase diagnostic accuracy and diagnosis at early stages. In regard to limitations of the present study, the review also articulates issues like drug resistance and demand for safer therapeutic products. In addition, we aim to identify new biomarkers in diseases and for following up disease or treatment biomarkers. This review means to outline certain priorities for research and stress the role of international cooperation in order to optimally understand and manage Trypanosomiasis as a medical and social issue. |
| Assessment of Cochlear Function Among Hypertensive Patients in Bauchi: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study | Author : A Adamu, AM Kirfi, M Alkali, M Ahmad, MH Sulaiman, DA Katagum, N Mohammed, SA Gwalabe, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Hypertension is an important public-health problem, and it has been identified as the leading cause of morbidity and mortality due to the high incidence of end-organ damages. Unlike other complications of hypertension, cochlear dysfunction in hypertensive patients is a hidden and progressive damage that remains undetected (subclinical) for a long time. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of subclinical hearing impairment, as well as the type and degree of hearing loss among hypertensive patients in our environment.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional cohort study conducted among adults diagnosed with hypertension previously. Ethical clearance and informed consent were obtained. Previous history of related exposure event (hypertension) and outcome (hearing loss) was assessed. Each participant was then subjected to c-PTA and EHA tests, and findings were analyzed.
Results: One hundred and ninety (190) hypertensive patients were enrolled, among which 107 (56.3%) were females and 83 (43.7%) males. Hypertension was more common in the age group of 51-60 years (26.8%) and 61-70 years (30.5%). The overall prevalence of hearing loss was 41.6%, of which 18.4% had subclinical hearing impairment. The most common type of hearing loss was sensorineural 68 (86.1%), found to be in varying degrees of 33.8%, 26.5%, 23.5%, and 16.2% for mild, moderate, severe, and profound hearing loss, respectively.
Conclusion: The overall prevalence of hearing loss among hypertensive patients was 41.6%, with a significant proportion (18.4%) having subclinical hearing loss, which is not noticed by the patients. Therefore, routine pure tone audiometric hearing screening for all hypertensives is recommended to enable early detection and treatment of this hearing loss. |
| An Extensive Analysis of Liver Cirrhosis’s Genesis, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, And Diagnosis | Author : Sara H.Thejeel, Assala Salam Jebur, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Portal hypertension and liver failure can arise as a result of liver cirrhosis, a chronic illness characterized by the fibrosis and renewal of nodules in the liver. A number of long-term conditions can lead to cirrhosis, a progressive disease. after a few years or perhaps decades. Liver cirrhosis is one public health concern. Metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, storage diseases, drug use, alcohol consumption, viral hepatitis, and toxic chemicals are the usual causes. Cirrhosis is the fourteenth most prevalent cause of death in adults. placing ninth overall and fourth in Europe and the US. Because this condition is symptomatic and often remains undiagnosed in its early stages, its frequency is underestimated. It typically progresses to the decompensated stage at a rate of 5 to 7% annually. Here, we discuss the pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and etiology of liver cirrhosis. |
| Pathophysiology And the Biochemical and Clinical Significance of Malondialdehyde | Author : Ali Kareem Hameed, Sarah Sattar jabbar, Mohammed Hasan Barrak, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Malondialdehyde is a highly reactive three-carbon dialdehyde that is produced via lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is an oxidative degradation process of lipids that leads to the generation of reactive species of oxygen and free radicals. These highly reactive molecules can act upon DNA, proteins, and lipids, resulting in several pathological effects. Since MDA is capable of reacting with several cellular macromolecules like proteins, DNA, and phospholipids, it has been suggested as a possible causal factor in the pathogenesis of numerous human diseases. Therefore, the knowledge of formation and metabolism of malondialdehyde is essential for the comprehension of its biochemistry and clinical significance.
| Key Risk-Factors Contributing to Cardiovascular Disease: Lifestyle Modifications to Improve Cardiovascular Health | Author : Ejiofor Augustine Ezika Ph.D, Adaobi Nwankwo-Ezika MBSS, Chibuzor Roselyn Ezendiokwelle Ph.D, John Obeng PhD, Bolanle Ola PhD, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Cardiovascular disease is a preventable public health issue. The aim of this review is to identify modifiable risk-factors for cardiovascular disease and recommend lifestyle modification to prevent cardiovascular disease. PubMed, ScienceDirect, SAGE, Google Scholar, World Health Organisation websites, as well as public and community health textbooks, were hand searched and academic resources which are relevant for this review were selected for inclusion. Cardiovascular disease is leading cause of deaths in all continents of the world. While deaths from cardiovascular disease is increasing in Africa and Asia, it is decreasing in Australia and fluctuating in the USA. Premature deaths from cardiovascular disease are preeminent across middle income countries in Europe compared with high income countries. Cardiovascular disease is higher in rural areas of South America compared with urban areas. Trends in lifestyle patterns, including physical inactivity, smoking behaviour, and diets contribute to cardiovascular disease-prone conditions. Prevention includes health promotion activities that facilitate healthy living across life course and limit the initial onset of cardiovascular disease. Investment in prevention is the critical sustainable solution for the cardiovascular disease epidemic. Adopting WHO existing policies within individual countries in Africa, Asia, and middle-income countries in Europe, and ensuring robust implementation of such policies across life course and from different layers of sectors such as education and workplaces would have wider impacts in reducing risk and cardiovascular disease burden in the respective continents. Government of countries with worsening cardiovascular events should also increase health financing and focus on strengthening primary health care services for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. |
| The Chemical Structure and Clinical Significance of Phenolic Compounds | Author : Sarah Sattar jabbar, Noor Ali Salman, Farah Ali Dawood, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The biological activities and clinical significance of phenolic compounds are heavily dependent on their chemical structure. The great variety of phenolics, flavonoids in particular, accounts for the myriad ways they benefit health, such as through their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. However, more research is necessary to fill the knowledge gaps related to the action mechanisms, bioavailability, and synergistic effects of these compounds with the mounting interest in phenolic compounds from a practical standpoint; acquiring an appreciation for structure-activity relationships and clinical applications will be imperative in fully realizing them to promote human health. Phenolic compounds form a significant group of phytochemicals known for their antioxidative properties and potential health advantages; they are majorly obtained from plant sources like fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. This review paper presents an up-to-date summary relating to different plant-extracted phenolic compounds: sources, types—emphasizing health effects—and identified knowledge lacunae that should receive future probe. |
| The Biochemistry and Clinical Significance of D-Dimer | Author : Umalbaneen Hussain Ismael | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :D-dimer, product degradation of fibrin, belongs to the most sensitive and specific markers in the diagnostics of thrombotic disorders, mainly acute PE and DVT. This leads to its measurement because of the high sensitivity in ruling out these conditions, thus reducing unnecessary imaging and improving patient management. The importance of D-dimer has been repeatedly said in various studies, notably during the COVID-19 pandemic, where it has been noted as an essential biomarker in the assessment of thrombotic complications, treatment strategy, and prognostic aspects of the patient. This literature review paper covers basic principles and measurements of D-dimer because of up-to-date knowledge on its clinical applications, limitations, and directions for potential future research. |
| Nitric Oxide: Structure, Pathophysiology and Clinical Significance | Author : Hadeel Maan Rashied, Batool Mezher Naser, Hussein Khalid Zwain, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor and, if treated, leads to a reduction in cardiovascular diseases and mortality. A recent perspective emphasizes the central role of nitric oxide bioavailability in the maintenance of healthy vasculature and the regulation of blood pressure. The molecule nitric oxide is very complex with far-reaching implications concerning cardiovascular well-being and pathology. Synthesis of nitric oxide as well as signaling cascades and their regulation thus stands as a critical process in acquiring an understanding regarding its involvement under physiological as well as pathological conditions. With the rapid pace at which NO research is evolving, there are significant gaps in our knowledge that must be filled in if we are ever to take full advantage of its therapeutic potential. Nitric oxide is also considered to be a very important molecule involved in the defense of hypertension through its effects on endothelial function and vascular homeostasis. This review will summarize the current state of knowledge regarding the relationship between NO and hypertension and will attempt to identify those areas where significant lacunae exist and where further research would be appropriate. In addition, focus is directed toward the structure and clinical relevance of NO, describing its functions in endothelial activity, cardiovascular health, and any possible clinical utility. |
| Association Between Prostatitis and Some Biochemical Markers in Patients of the AL-Najaf Province, Iraq | Author : Mysoon khudair AL Hadrawi, Kais Khudhair AL hadrawi, Ibtesam faris ALshukry, Hanan Khalid ALdhalimi, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :One of the most common clinical conditions in men is prostate disease, especially prostatitis, which causes various symptoms, that negatively affect patient life. Our current study investigated the relationship between prostatitis and IL-6, zinc, and ESR levels for patients who visited AL-Sader Medical City in the province of AL-Najaf, between March and November 2023. our study included 90 samples of people infected with prostatitis and 30 samples of healthy people between the ages of (20-40) years. The level of IL-6 was calculated using the ELISA technique, The level of zinc as an antioxidant asses by using the spectrophotometer and ESR was measured by using the Westergren technique to determine the inflammation case in patients and compared with the healthy group. The results showed an increase in the level of IL-6 in patients with prostatitis compared with a healthy group (908.72±140.19,214.16±85.56) pg/ml respectively. but showed a decrease in the level of Zinc in prostatitis patients compared with the healthy group (38.93±10.92U/ml, 89.36±9.61U/ml) respectively. Also showed an elevated level of ESR, where according to (48.41±13.49 ) mm/hour in patients group compared with a healthy group (14.60±4.14) mm/ hour. The data was analyzed by SPSS program version 23, where the factor effect was considered significant when p<0.05. we conclude from our current study the significant relationship between IL-6, Zinc levels, and prostatitis, as well as the role of the ESR test as an indicator of prostatitis |
| The Chemical Structure, Classification and Clinical Significance of Alkaloids | Author : Noor Jamal Mohammed, Widad Ali Abd Al-Behadili, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Secondary metabolites comprise a major class of compounds, among which alkaloids are one of the most important due to their diverse structures and wide spectrum of biological activities. While these nitrogen-containing compounds are mainly extracted from plants, they have been known to be useful in the synthesis of a large variety of analogues with applications as pharmaceuticals, for example analgesics, antineoplastic agents, and antimicrobial drugs. A complete and detailed knowledge of alkaloids’ structures and classifications is crucial for efforts in drug discovery and development because quite often the structural features are also associated with their biological activities. Alkaloids are a large and complex group of natural compounds that are characterized by a nitrogenous base. Much has been said about their importance when derived from different plant species on the wide spectrum of pharmacological effects. This literature review paper will attempt to synthesize recent findings pertaining to alkaloids’ clinical importance in modern-day therapeutics and medicine, critically analyzing their traditional and potential contemporary medicinal uses, further indicating the existing lacunae of knowledge and scopes for future study. |
| Dyslipidemia in Patients with Renal Failure: A Review Literature | Author : Shahlaa Kh. Chabuk, Zainab H. Saeed, Mayada nazar, Ali A. Al-fahham, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Renal failure is a serious condition, with the loss of kidney function being irreversible and frequently managed by dialysis or kidney transplant. Hyperlipidemia is a prevalent condition among CKD patients, particularly affecting those with associated comorbidities such as T2DM. This literature review presents an integration of current research findings on the relationship between hyperlipidemia and renal failure with particular attention to cardiovascular complications and patterns of dyslipidemia in this population. The accurate comprehension of these interrelations is the key to advancing clinical outcomes in terms of developing efficient strategies of control. This literature review synthesizes current research findings about dyslipidemia in patients with renal failure, identifies the knowledge gaps, and recommends directions for further research.
| Exploring In-School Adolescent Smoking Behaviors: A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Contexts in Anambra, Nigeria | Author : Ajator Chioma C, Nwazor Onyinye, Emelumadu Obiageli, Abone Chizoba, Ezenyeaku Chijioke, Obi Darlington, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The use of tobacco among adolescents is a big public health issue in low- and middle-income countries of the world including Nigeria. The aim of this study was to compare prevalence and determinants of tobacco use among in-school adolescents’ resident in urban and rural secondary schools in Anambra State. A cross-sectional analytical design was observed using multi stage random sampling to sample 360 students from some selected schools. A pretested, semi structured questionnaire adapted from the Global School Health Survey (GSHS) was used to collect data. The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Similar prevalence of tobacco use was found in both the urban (6.3%) and in the rural (6.5%) sites, without significance in either (p=1.000). Participation in protective factors including health education programs in which participants are educated on smoking dangers and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in particular was associated with non-smoking behavior significantly more in urban areas. On the other hand, being urban adolescents who reported tobacco use showed significantly association with risk factors such as poor school environment and bullying. Consequently, no difference in rates of tobacco use occur between urban and rural adolescents, despite differences in protective and risk factors. Recommendations aimed at strengthening health education, and improving school environments and reducing bullying are suggested to reduce adolescent smoking in these settings. Effective tobacco control of Nigerian adolescents requires targeting of public health interventions on the basis of the socio-cultural context.
| Nano Chelated Iron and Boron Effect on Their Rates of Absorption and Transport by Moringa Plant | Author : Karrar, H. Ammosh, Kadhim R. Alwan, Abdoun H. Alwan, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :An experiment was carried out under a plastic house during 2019/2020 in Al-hindiya Herticaullare Station, Kerbala Province, Iraq. Seeds of Moringa Were sown in black polyethylene bags 5 kg soil capacity. Factorial experiment within Completely Randomized Design (C.R.D) with three replicates was adopted. The aim was to assess the effect of three Levels of the nano chelated Fe i.e. 0 ,180 and 360 mg. L-1, and Four Levels of B i.e. 0, 25 ,50 and 75 mg. L-1 spraying either once or twice – on the Fe and B rates of absorption and transport. |
| Molecular Pathogenesis of Human Papillomavirus: Insights into Viral Oncoproteins and Host Integration | Author : Niran adnan abdul kadhum, Zahraa Falah Azeez, Enas Shehab Ahmed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of death from cervical cancer and other anogenital cancers throughout the world. Pathogenicity of HPV is governed by intricate interplay of HPV and host cells mediated primarily by its oncoproteins E6 and E7. These oncoproteins disrupt critical pathways, including those involving tumor suppressors p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) to induce unregulated cell proliferation and evasion of apoptosis. These mechanisms have been studied in order to develop the different diagnostic tools, such as HPV DNA testing and genotyping, and there are emerging techniques based on E6/E7 mRNA detection and high throughput sequencing. In addition, therapeutic strategies have advanced with the vaccines showing ability to prevent high risk HPV infection and ongoing research to developing targeted therapies to disrupt viral oncoprotein function. New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to HPV research encompassing an expanding clinical landscape hold promise to reduce incidence of HPV associated malignancies and improve patient outcomes. This review summarizes the molecular pathogenesis of HPV with respect to host cells and discusses its implications for diagnostics and therapeutics, including the need for further development in this area. |