An Assessment of the Impact of New Media And Citizen Journalism on Conventional Media Ethics in Nigeria | Author : BERNICE TITILOLA GBADEYAN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There is no doubt that citizen journalists engaging in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) have been complimenting the conventional media with information dissemination to the public sphere. However, a lot of loopholes have been observed in their duty discharge that are not professional and unethical to journalism practices. Media are an essential part of any developed or developing country; they are the mouthpiece of both the ruler and the ruled, and at the same time they have a great influence on the society, thereby are expected to uphold morals in high regard. Morals in journalism are seen as ethics that guide the performances of the journalism profession, ethics of the profession arent to be toiled with. Lack of media ethics is detrimental to the profession and capable of putting the society/country in jeopardy. This study is therefore set out to examine the impact/effect of new media and long-term citizen journalism on conventional media ethics. As it is known ethics in journalism is core to professional duty discharge and needs to be held in high esteem. |
| The Association Between Corporate Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Awareness, And Job Pursuit Intention | Author : Hsiao-Chu Hsu, Chi-Hsin Wu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Taiwan, renowned as a global leader in technology, boasts a manufacturing sector that accounts for more than 30%of its GDP. With the growing public knowledge of climate change, there has been a notable rise in environmental awareness among contemporary societies, influencing how businesses are perceived based on their environmental practices. This research targets potential job candidates in the tech sector, employing semi-structured interviews with individuals educated in engineering and related disciplines within Taiwan. It delves into three core questions, aiming to uncover: (1) whether individuals with environmental awareness prefer to work for committed companies to environmental sustainability; (2) if environmentally aware employees can facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices within their companies; and (3) whether a companys dedication to environmental sustainability enhances its appeal to prospective employees, thereby aiding in the recruitment and retention of top talent. Findings indicate that all participants are environmentally aware and eager to support workplace sustainability initiatives. Individuals with employment options often opt for companies with robust environmental reputations. Conversely, those encountering challenges in securing employment tend to prioritize immediate job availability over the environmental standing of the company. The study concludes with several recommendations to foster environmental awareness across various sectors, including government, media, businesses, educational institutions, and individuals. |
| The Influence of French Phonetics on Vocal Technique in French Art | Author : Nyiko Condry Ngobeni, Arthur Ngoie Mukenge, Phindile Mpetshwa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :French art songs, celebrated for their lyrical beauty and emotional depth, present a unique challenge to singers due to the intricate nuances of French phonetics. This research explores the profound influence of French phonetics on vocal technique in the context of French art songs, focusing on vowels, consonants, and nasalisation. The study dissects the complexities of French vowels, elucidating the differences between closed and open vowels and their implications for vocal production. It also analyses the articulation of French consonants, emphasising the importance of clear pronunciation. A dedicated section is devoted to nasalisation, revealing how skilled singers manipulate this feature to add depth to their performances. Through comparative analysis, the study contrasts French phonetics with other languages, highlighting the specific challenges singers face. It also investigates vocal exercises and techniques designed to address these challenges, providing practical insights for singers and vocal instructors. This research enhances our understanding of the intricate art of singing French art songs, emphasising the significance of linguistic and cultural comprehension. It contributes valuable insights to vocal pedagogy, guiding singers aspiring to deliver authentic interpretations of French art songs. |
| Sustainable Development in Organization: A Literature Review | Author : Hasan Raad Abdulbaqi, Hussam Ali Mhaibes | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The current study aimed to review previous scholarly efforts to understand the concept of sustainable development, its practices, and its significance for public institutions. The study focuses on the dimensions of sustainable development—environmental, social, and economic—within public institutions. Sustainable development allows these institutions to balance environmental protection, economic growth, and social justice, ensuring the prosperity of both current and future generations. Furthermore, sustainable development is crucial for maintaining organizational performance. The review bridges knowledge gaps related to sustainable development and utilizes an analytical approach, surveying previous studies on the topic. The selected studies highlight the importance of sustainable development as it recognizes the interconnectedness between economic growth, social well-being, and environmental protection. |
| Dignity in Human Development Motivation | Author : To Thi Bich Thao | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Trust is the foundation of life and is proven through practice. Trust in oneself and in each other is a valuable intangible asset of humanity, clearly demonstrated through material values such as money. True dignity must come from the comprehensive development of human beings. Otherwise, distorted standards such as dependence, possession and falsehood will appear, leading to human suffering. Economic relations come from basic human needs. Needs are the driving force for action. Therefore, true dignity must serve human existence and development. In addition, trust can be measured tangibly through material values, needs come from human nature and interests are the driving force for action. True dignity is closely linked to the needs of the community. Trust is demonstrated through practice, needs are necessary, the basis of interests, the driving force for development. Particularly painful is the belief in norms that are not based on human nature and no longer require dignity. |
| Learning Languages in the 21st Century: the Digital and Ai Transformation | Author : Rymma Maiboroda | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the problem of the learning languages in the 21st century: the digital and AI transformation. The aim of this article is to explore and clarify the transformative impact of digital technologies on foreign language teaching. This article explores the evolution of language learning from classroom-based methods to the incorporation of digital instruments, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Digital tools such as language learning applications, online dictionaries, multimedia resources, and language exchange platforms have made language acquisition more accessible and engaging. AI technologies introduce intelligent tutoring systems, personalized learning experiences, and advanced language processing capabilities, while ICT tools like Learning Management Systems (LMS) and virtual classrooms facilitate effective communication and information processing. The benefits of these advancements are multifaceted, including increased accessibility and flexibility, enhanced engagement and motivation, personalized learning paths, and improved collaboration and communication. However, challenges such as the digital divide, variability in resource quality, data privacy concerns, and the need for continuous teacher training must be addressed. Looking ahead, future trends such as augmented and virtual reality, blockchain technology, AI-driven content creation, IoT integration, and multimodal learning experiences promise to further transform the landscape of language education. These innovations will pave the way for more immersive and interconnected language learning experiences, contributing to a more multilingual global society. |
| Communicative Competence and the Speaking Performance among Senior High School Students | Author : Cathrina P. Bituin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study was conducted to determine the relationship between communicative competence and speaking performance among senior high school students. Using a descriptive-correlational research design, thirty (30) Grade 11 STEM students from Padre Garcia Integrated National High School during the academic year 2023-2024 were selected as respondents of the study. Five expert teachers validated the instrument. The test questionnaires were used as the primary instruments to evaluate communicative competence among participants. The questionnaire consisted of a test aimed at gathering data regarding participants communicative competence and a rubric to test speaking performance. Statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, and Pearson R were utilized to test the relationship of the independent and dependent variables. Hypotheses were tested and the findings revealed the following information: the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between communicative competence and the speaking performance of senior high school learners is accepted. Having all those findings, this study recommends diversifying instructional strategies in enhancing sociolinguistic and strategic competence; conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD); integrating speaking skills development across the curriculum and implementing cross-domain training. Future researchers may conduct a study on communicative competence and speaking performance of senior high school on a large scale such as regional or national level. |
| Christian Ethics in Fourth Generation Warfare: the Applicability of Christian Ethics in the Face of the Dilemmas of this Model of Conflict | Author : Lucas Garcia da Silva Souza, Raphael de Almeida Leitão | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Christian ethics can be applied to solve the ethical dilemmas of war and since decision-making in armed conflicts is permeated by these dilemmas with problematic solutions, this work aims to verify the degree of applicability of Christian ethics in dealing with the ethical dilemmas of Fourth Generation warfare. Thus, aware of the importance of adapting the decisions of the war according to the values of the nation, attitudes that fit as acceptable according to Christian ethics are opportune, given that a large portion of the Brazilian population is greatly influenced by Christianity and its moral conduct presented. In this way, a bibliographical review will be carried out of theorists who address the theme of Christian ethics in war, such as Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and, above all, Geisler, as well as articles that fall within the theme of Fourth Generation armed conflicts. In order to achieve its objective, the paper uses a qualitative approach to the nuances of Fourth Generation conflicts. Next, the characteristics of Christian ethics and their relationship with armed conflicts are highlighted, emphasizing the three major currents of thought according to Geisler: activism, pacifism and selectivism. In addition, there is a brief overview of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Then, the objective of this work will be to verify the degree of applicability of Christian ethics to the ethical dilemmas characteristic of such conflicts. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that, in order to achieve this objective, the degree of applicability of the thinking of each current seen by Geisler in the ethical dilemmas of fourth generation conflicts will be considered individually, in order to reach the conclusion. |
| A Systematic Review of Research on the Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Primary Education | Author : Zuo Ruijia, Zhang Xuemei, Li Wenling | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Virtual reality technology is receiving increasing attention in education and research fields. Based on 10 high-impact journals in China and abroad, this study selected 26 empirical studies of virtual reality technology applications in primary education in the past 6 years (2018-2024), constructed a coding and analysis framework from several aspects of publication trends, research contexts, research methods, technology characteristics, advantages and challenges, and conducted a systematic literature review using content analysis. The literature focused on the application of virtual reality technology in elementary education, with a mixed-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative aspects, and a diverse trend of data collection and analysis. The findings indicate that VR technology has great potential in improving learning outcomes in various subjects such as science, mathematics, and social studies. Moreover, the application of virtual reality technology in primary education is mostly carried out in semi-immersive VR learning environments. However, the adaptability of hardware and software operation, the stability of real-time interaction, and the complexity of learning task design are new challenges for the application of this technology to primary education. |
| Moral Thought in the Wise Speaker of Qohelet King of Jerusalem | Author : PhD. Dinh Van Chien | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As a form of social consciousness, Greek thought around 175-135, not only influenced the trends of cultural and ethical thought in the East, but those lines of thought also blended with the indigenous cultural colors that made Greek thought in this period develop brilliantly. Especially consolidating and developing religious beliefs. In particular, in Palestine, many Jews scattered everywhere established overseas communities (called Diaspora) and approached different forms of Greek religion such as belief in different gods and mascots worshiped in cities or belief in fate, astrology, magic, charms, Stoicism and Epicureanism. Faced with the real context of social history, the Pharisees were established, gradually grew and became known as “the separated ones”, they focused on strengthening faith through God s plan expressed through covenants, promises, and blessings of God with mankind. Qohelet was a typical representative of that group. |
| Buy Now, Think Later: Financial Literacy and Impulse Buying Behavior among College Students in City of Malolos | Author : Allen Grace M. Sarmiento | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In today s generation, where purchasing is one click away, young Filipino adults seem to set aside the value of proper handling of money in order to possess products that catch their attention. Most of them buy luxuries rather than saving for the future and live in the "you only live once" philosophy. On the other hand, one way to develop wise spending behavior among young adults is to make them financially literate. Unfortunately, being financially literate is slightly seen among Filipino youths today. The main objective of this research was to examine the relationship between financial literacy and impulse buying behavior among college students at Bulacan State University. The study was anchored in Prospect Theory based on an individual s perceived gains and utility. Spearman correlation was employed to determine and analyze the results of 280 college students at Bulacan State University. The results revealed that the financial literacy of college students has a positive and significant relationship with impulse buying behavior. This implies that as their financial literacy increases, their impulse buying behavior increases. In conclusion, Bulacan State University college students value present choices and benefits more than the future. |
| Influence Intellectual Capital and Cash Holding on Company Value | Author : Indawati, Fina Fitriyana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Company value own role important as indicator performance and wealth holder stocks . Then the research This aiming For test and analyze influence Intellectual Capital , and Cash Holding on the Company s Value in the Company The industry that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2018 to 2022. Type of research This is quantitative , with using secondary data . The data analysis method used is a panel data regression test with use application Microsoft Excel and Eviews 9. Population in study This is all sector industries listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2018 to 2022. Data collection techniques in this research This is purposive sampling with results from 55 population study into 14 samples processed research study This . Research results show that Intellectual Capital , and Cash Holding influential in a way simultaneous on Corporate Value in the company industry period 2018 to 2022. Meanwhile in a way partial Intellectual Capital influential on Company Value, and Cash Holding influential towards Company Value. |
| Sustainable Human Resource Development Strategy to Support the blue Economy Tourism Area on Mengare Island | Author : Taufiq Urohman, Siti Mujanah, M Sihab Ridwan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research is a phenomenological study that seeks to examine sustainable human resource development strategies to facilitate the implementation of the blue economy on Mengare Island. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews with ten informants, including tourism managers, pertinent government officials, visitors, investors, and MSMEs. The findings of the research indicate that Enhancing human resource capability in Tanjung Widoro Village for blue economy-oriented tourism necessitates stakeholder endorsement and local governance. Digital literacy training and human resource development can enhance environmental competence, operational efficiency, and the empowerment of local populations. |
| The Epistemic Sense of Training Fields | Author : Florentino Silva Becerra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This work integrates the group from the elucidation that is presented in a multidimensional way of which the theoretical bodies that make up this study on tensions, instead of invalidating them, makes it possible to think about the group from the constitution of a network of intersections with varied effects, of senses and non- senses, product of human groups. Its objective is to explain through the inductive generation of conceptual categories expressed in the regularities between investigated phenomena that access possible interpretative theories of the reality of fragmentation as an institutional group. Addresses a qualitative methodology; a flexible design, dealing with the social interaction between teachers and managers in a subjective, dynamic reality composed of a multiplicity of contexts. From ethnography, open interviews and participant observation is permanently addressed, as well as the use of reflexivity, obtained from the analysis of the subjective and intersubjective meanings of collegiate work, where fragmentation was analyzed through participation and significance. of the group. The effects that the group produces on the subjects that comprise it, giving rise to group hood, understood as “a relational structure where it is possible to recognize a clear discrimination between subject and object. |
| New Ideas Captured. The Startups | Author : Josue de Jesus Campos Oyervides | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article mentions the new trends in the use of technologies for the creation of emerging companies in order to support large industries, observing the great growth of opportunities for obtaining and satisfying market needs. From how to create it with its characteristics, what skills of the founders, types of startups and how they are distributed in the Mexican territory based on the sectors they impact. An exhaustive search for statistical information regarding the country of Mexico was carried out, to know the states with the largest share in this type of emerging industries, as well as the sectors that most impact the creations of ideas for the satisfaction of the markets in the country. Likewise, mention is made of the company that currently supports the incubation of these scalable companies and that can have a quick positioning in the market depending on their type. |
| Market Reactions to Economic, Social, and Environmental Contributions Post-COVID-19 a Study on ESG-Based Index Constituents | Author : Puji Rahayu, Riri Pratiwi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A companys value in relation to its economic, social, and environmental performance is measured by market reactions, which are represented by anomalous returns. As evidenced by abnormal returns, corporate performance that promotes sustainability can boost investor confidence in the stock market. Using abnormal returns as a stand-in, this study attempts to examine how market reactions are affected by economic and social contributions per share as well as economic contributions per share. The research sample consists of companies that have consistently been constituents of the SEG index, which includes SRI-Kehati, ESG Sector Leaders IDX KEHATI, and ESG Quality 45 IDX KEHATI, as well as companies in other indices such as LQ45, IDX80, and Kompas1000, from 2021 to 2023. Purposive sampling was used in the sample selection process, and 119 businesses were chosen to serve as the study subjects. Using Eviews, multiple linear regression is the analytical method employed. The analysis concludes that economic contributions have an impact on market reactions, but social and environmental contributions per share do not significantly affect them. The studys managerial implications highlight how crucial it is for managers to creatively convey to the public the companys environmental and social accomplishments in quantifiable financial terms. The value, purpose, and advantages of the companys donations are highlighted by this method, which also makes it easier for the public to accept and comprehend corporate social contributions. |
| Islamic Economics towards the Sustainability of Economic Development | Author : Bismi Khalidin, Armiadi Musa, Mertisa Fardesi, Nur Ulfia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Islamic economics, grounded in sharia principles, serves as a pivotal force in advancing sustainable economic development, prioritizing justice, environmental sustainability, and the enhancement of social welfare. One of the main pillars of Islamic Economics is the prohibition of usury, which has a significant impact on the distribution of wealth and economic stability. The principle of justice in Islamic Economics is reflected in mechanisms for sharing profits and losses, such as mudarabah and musharakah, where the involvement of all parties in sharing the results creates a more stable economic environment. This system encourages active participation and shared responsibility, reducing the risk of speculation that could undermine economic stability. The importance of sustainability is realized through Islamic ecological principles. The caliphate concept, which emphasizes human responsibility as custodians of nature, is the basis for environmentally friendly economic practices. In this context, Islamic Economics encourages sustainable use of resources, supporting economic growth that does not damage the environment. In facing global economic challenges, Islamic Economics also offers an alternative to conventional monetary policy. Monetary policy directed at the stability of the value of money and distributional justice is the main focus, avoiding the risk of inflation which is often associated with uncontrolled money creation. Thus, Islamic Economics is not only an alternative economic framework but also a solution that has a perspective of justice and sustainability in facing the challenges of contemporary economic development. By combining ethical values, fair distribution, and attention to the environment, Islamic Economics paves the way towards inclusive and sustainable economic development. |
| "Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the Construction Industry in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Proposed Solutions" | Author : Ismail Ujaimi, Rabab Alsaigh, Majid Alfelfel, Raed Algallaf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper examines the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the Saudi Arabian construction industry, addressing key challenges, potential solutions, and its transformative potential. With Saudi Arabias Vision 2030 emphasizing technological innovation and economic diversification, the construction sector stands to benefit significantly from AI-driven advancements that improve productivity and enhance project management. Key challenges identified include technical barriers, such as data quality issues, complex system integration, and the limited availability of specialized AI tools. Additionally, regulatory hurdles related to compliance and data privacy, high implementation costs, limited ROI, and social resistance driven by job displacement fears and lack of AI familiarity pose significant obstacles. A survey conducted among industry professionals confirmed these challenges, highlighting difficulties in AI system integration, economic concerns about costs and talent shortages, and regulatory uncertainties. Social resistance to AI adoption also emerged as a critical barrier, underscoring the need for workforce training and change management strategies to foster acceptance. The paper proposes targeted solutions, including improving data integration capabilities, establishing comprehensive regulatory frameworks, providing financial incentives, and offering training programs to build AI-related expertise. Case studies and hypothetical scenarios illustrate AI s potential benefits, such as optimizing resource allocation, enhancing safety, reducing costs, and streamlining project timelines. Government-backed initiatives like King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) emphasize the importance of infrastructure and state support in facilitating AI adoption across industries. These efforts align with national goals to transform construction practices and drive innovation. The findings demonstrate AIs potential to revolutionize the construction sector, but overcoming existing challenges requires continuous collaboration between industry stakeholders, policymakers, and technology providers. Further research is necessary to validate these assumptions and explore practical strategies for AI integration, ultimately paving the way for a more efficient, innovative, and sustainable construction industry. |