IDENTIFIKASI SPORA MIKORIZA VESICULAR ARBUSKULAR DARI RHIZOSFER PERKEBUNAN KARET (Hevea brasiliensis Muell arg) | Author : Siti khairani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Morphological characteristics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF). This research was conducted from March to April 2021. The method used in this research is descriptive exploratory method by purposive sampling for soil sampling. While the stages of this research include: location permitting, data collection and collection in the field, determination of the location for soil sampling, soil sampling, analysis of soil properties in the laboratory, isolation of AMF spores and identification of AMF spore morphology. The results showed that the highest spore population was found through the identification of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (AMF) at two rubber plantation locations, there were 16 AMF species found, namely. It belongs to the genera Glomus, Gigaspora and Acaulospora. Genus Glomus, where in the STIPAP Medan garden there were 3 morphotypes of the Glomus genus, while in the Sungai Putih plantation, PTPN III showed 13 morphotypes. Genus Glomus showed 9 morphotypes, Genus Gigaspora showed 1 morphotype and Genus Acaulospora 3 morphotypes |
| PENGARUH PEMBERIAN NIPAGIN TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN PENGGEREK BATANG TEBU BERGARIS (Chilo sacchariphagus) | Author : Nurhajijah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Indonesia memiliki perkebunan tebu baik yang dikelola oleh negara ataupun swasta. Namun, kebutuhan gula belum mampu terpenuhi sepenuhnya dikarenakan beberapa faktor. Salah satunya serangga hama yang menyerang budidaya tebu. Ada beberapa serangga hama yang menyerang pada tanaman tebu, salah satunya penggerek batang bergaris (Chilo sacchariphagus). Ada beberapa parasitoid yang menjadi musuh alami Penggerek batang tebu bergaris (C. sacchariphagus). Salah satunya, Apantheles flavipes (Cotesia flavipes) (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). Agensia hayati perlu dikembangakan diindonesia , mengingat tingginya keanekaragaman parasitoid yang ada. ). Pembuatan media buatan untuk perkembang biakan (C. sacchariphagus) dilaboratorium dapat menjadi alternatif saat (C. sacchariphagus) dilapangan tidak ada. Parasitoid membutuhkan inang untuk melangsungkan hidupnya. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemberian dosis nipagin yang tepat pada media biakan untuk perkembangan hama penggerek batang bergaris C. sacchariphagus. Persentase mortalitas tertinggi (88.5a%) terdapat pada perlakuan N0 dan terendah (13.0%) pada perlakuan N4 dan N3 dengan pemberian nipagin 1,7 gr dan pemberian nipagin 1,8 gr. Bobot mutlak tertinggi pemberian nipagin pada media yaitu ((144.30gr) terdapat pada perlakuan N4 (1,7gr), sedangkan bobot larva yang terendah N0 (13.49) pada perlakuan N0. |
| ANALISIS SIFAT FISIKA DAN KIMIA TANAH DI DESA BALESARI KECAMATAN NGAJUM KABUPATEN MALANG | Author : Anggraeni Hadi Pratiwi, Zainal Abidin, Fariq Faroni, Muhammad Asyrofi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Balesari is one of the areas located in Ngajum, Malang. The farmers in this area have several agricultural coomodities such as ginger, vegetables, and coffee. One of the main conditions for obtaining optimal production in the cultivation of agricultural crops is fertile soil conditions. This study was conducted in Balesari, Ngajum, Malang. This study aimed to determine the physical and chemical properties of the soil in Balesari, Ngajum, Malang. The results indicated that the soil in the research location has a sandy silt loam texture. The chemical properties of the soil have varied propersties with the actual soil pH ranging from 5.42-5.70 with the criteria being slightly acidic and acidic, C-organic ranged from 1.8827 to 2.2653% with low and medium criteria, total N ranged from 0.1392 to 0.2294% with low and moderate criteria, total P ranged from 0.0704 to 0.423% with low criteria, total K ranged from 0.105 – 0.900% with low and high criteria, and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) ranged from 39.2109 – 41.9049 me.100gr-1 with high and very high criteria. |
| IDENTIFIKASI JENIS DAN NILAI SUMMED DOMINANCE RATIO (SDR) GULMA DI LAHAN KERING | Author : wildan lubis, Wahyuni Umami Harahap, Nurhajijah, | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Weeds are unwanted plants and can harm plants so that they can reduce production. The study, entitled identification of species and the value of the summed dominance ratio, was conducted in Limau Manih, Padang, North Sumatra for four months. This study aims to identify the type and value of the summed dominance ratio. The tools used are gembor, meter, machete, cart, knife, hoe, dipper, blender and caliper. While the materials used were fresh Sembung Rambat leaves, seeds, drum fertilizer, raffia rope, polybags, plastic, compost, NPK-Mg. The method used in this research is Completely Randomized Design by making five plots where the five plots will be observed and searched for absolute density values, relative density, absolute frequency, relative dominance, significant value index and SDR. This research is an experiment conducted using several types of weeds, namely; Ageratum conyzoides L, Axonopus compresus, Bidens pilosa L, Boreria alata, Borreria leavis, Brachiaria reptans , Calopogonium mucunoides, Chromolaena odorata L, Cleome rutidosperma DC, Crotalaria mucronate, Cynodon dactylon L, Cyperus kyllingenecha, Digitaschyllingera incha , Melastoma affine, Mimosa pudica, Phillanthus amarus, Uraria lagopodioides L. The results showed that the weed with the highest land tenure value in dry land was Brachiaria reptans. Because it has many seeds and strong rhizomes, it belongs to the C4 species. |
| LAMA PENYIMPANAN DAN PERBEDAAN KONSENTRASI ZPT ATONIK TERHADAP PROSENTASE TUNAS TUMBUH TEBU Var. BULULAWANG YANG BERSUMBER DARI BUD SET. | Author : Dyah Pitaloka, Nur Halimah, zainal abidin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Vigor and healthy sugarcane seeds determine the health and percentage of plant life when transferred to the field. Sugarcane (Sacharum officinarum L.) is a graminae plant whose stems are used as the main raw material for sugar. Sugar self-sufficiency is still a big challenge because there are still sugarcane problems, including the availability of seeds, seed quality. This study aims to determine the effect and interaction between storage time and differences in the concentration of Atonic PGR on the percentage of shoots growing in sugarcane seeds Var. Bululawang. This research was conducted at the Sendang Sari Ngajum screen house from May to July 2021. The design used Factorial RAK consisting of 2 factors, duration of storage differences (P), control (P0), 3 days (P1), 6 days (P2) , and 9 days and Atonic Concentration (A) namely Control (A0), A1 (3 ml/L), A2 (6 ml /L) . The data obtained were analyzed using Dsaastat and if there was a significant difference, it was continued with the 5% BNJ test. The results of the analysis showed that the application of atonic PGR and storage time had a significant effect on the percentage of shoots growing only at the beginning of growth, namely until the age of 2 WAP, while at the age of 4 to 6 WAP there was no significant difference with the treatment applied. |
| PENGARUH KANDUNGAN UNSUR HARA LIMBAH CAIR PABRIK GULA TERHADAP SIFAT KIMIA DAN FISIKA TANAH DI LAHAN SAWAH KECAMATAN BULULAWANG KABUPATEN MALANG | Author : Fariq Faroni, Anggraeni Hadi Pratiwi, Arief Lukman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Pabrik Gula Krebet disposes of liquid waste into the nearest river, which can pollute the aquatic and soil environment. However, sugar factory effluent contains nutrients N and P as well as organic matter that is beneficial to plants (within a certain maximum limit). The study aims to determine whether there is an effect of the content of nutrients and organic matter of sugar factory wastewater on the physical and chemical properties of the soil in the paddy fields Bululawang Malang. Parameters of soil properties that were analyzed included pH, CEC, N-Total, P2O5, Potassium, C-Organic, bulk density, soil porosity, and specific gravity, while water parameters included pH, PO4, and Potassium. Based on the results of soil analysis, it is known that the porosity value on the shaft criteria is in the range of 63-72%, pH on the acid criteria with a value of 5.8-6.4, CEC on low to moderate criteria with a value of 5.5-21.2 cmol/kg, organic matter on high criteria with a value of 4.3-6.2%, P2O5 on the high criteria of 52.6-70.0 ppm, bulk density is on the medium criteria of 0.66-0.96 gr/cm3, the total N value on the medium criteria of 0.23-0.28%, and potassium on the moderate criteria of 168.5-256.2 mg K/kg. The results of the water analysis showed that PO4 was within the quality standard limit of 0.51-0.83 me/l, the potassium content was within the water quality standard limit value of 0.25-0.28 me/l, for pH parameters is above the quality standard limit of 5.93-6.23. The coefficient of determination test results showed that the difference in distance from the waste source affected the bulk density, soil porosity, organic matter, pH, CEC, total N, soil potassium. While on pH, PO4 and potassium water had no effect on soil P2O5 parameters. The results of the correlation coefficient test showed that distance differences were positively correlated with porosity, organic matter, CEC, total N, soil potassium, but negatively correlated with bulk density, soil pH and water pH. |