| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2590-4361 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc Prof Dr. Choi Sang Long | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ruijass.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-4718 | |
Publisher Name : | Truly Almendo Pasaribu | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.usd.ac.id/index.php/IJHS/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | MAHMOUDI NOURDDINE | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-246X | |
Publisher Name : | Satria Abadi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.stmikpringsewu.ac.id/index.php/ijiscs/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2311 | |
Publisher Name : | Ayhan Esi | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.tamap.org/Volumes/Tamap-Journal-of-Mathematics-and-Statistics/16 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Surender Gupta | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4489 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Salih Zeki GENÇ | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijiape.penpublishing.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3695 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Ceylan | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tjvr | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5954 | |
Publisher Name : | Adem KORKMAZ | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/uybisbbd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2619-9408 | |
Publisher Name : | Sedat Maden | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/kusob | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2667-6419 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Vâris ÇAKAN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/asyar | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7354 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/international-journal-of-surgical-procedures/ijsp | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-3889 | |
Publisher Name : | Josiel de Alencar Guedes | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://periodicos.uern.br/index.php/geointeracoes/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Surender Gupta | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Wayan | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-5538 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Lucia Dwi Krisnawati | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jutei.ukdw.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3377 | |
Publisher Name : | Hidayet Kara | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ictimaiyat | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammad Hasym | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-3901 | |
Publisher Name : | Alessandra Dutra | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://periodicos.utfpr.edu.br/etr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2818 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Abdullah KAYA | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ajb | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Maksymenko Serhiy | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-1084 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Yu-Chang Tyan | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scitcentral.com/journals.php?journal=42 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9739 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof (Dr) Pramod Singh Khatri | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.bjbmr.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-440X | |
Publisher Name : | Adie Dwiyanto Nurlukman | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.umt.ac.id/index.php/jgs | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2640-5180 | |
Publisher Name : | Antonio Vaz de Macedo | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://madridge.org/journal-of-cancer-study-and-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1269 | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet Seyfettin Erol | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | uksad.ankasam.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Vishal Sinha | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1234 | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet Seyfettin Erol | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://bolgesel.ankasam.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-7671 | |
Publisher Name : | Ellydar Chaidir | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.uir.ac.id/index.php/uirlawreview | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-400X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Mohammad Jalili | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ajem.tums.ac.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Tanzila Nabeel | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2530-934X | |
Publisher Name : | Miguel Ángel Gallardo Vigil | |
Country : | SpainStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/modulema | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-5205 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmad Muhlisin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/ijose | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3385 | |
Publisher Name : | Irfan Yazicioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.jobmer.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2599-316X | |
Publisher Name : | irfai fathurohman | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/kredo/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-2720 | |
Publisher Name : | Lilia Indriani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/metathesis | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Suresh Akella Professor/R&D Director Department of Mechanical Sreyas Institute Of Engineering & Technology Contact: 9849628282 Mail ID: s4akella@gmail.com | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-5754 | |
Publisher Name : | Rina Filia Sari | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.uinsu.ac.id/index.php/zero/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3717 | |
Publisher Name : | Sahin Danisman | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ijopr.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2208-6404 | |
Publisher Name : | Md. Aminul Rahman | |
Country : | AustraliaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.aujst.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3792 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Ozcan GUNGOR | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.dergipark.gov.tr/jad | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-8298 | |
Publisher Name : | Rochmady Rochmady | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.stipwunaraha.ac.id/index.php/ISLE | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2535-0145 | |
Publisher Name : | prof. Tatiana Iancheva, DSc | |
Country : | BulgariaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.nsa.bg | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2544-6770 | |
Publisher Name : | Miroslav Kelemen | |
Country : | POLANDStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.slsjournal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0524 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.G.SUSEENDRAN | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijirpem.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2644-1101 | |
Publisher Name : | - | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jhp | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2277-2960 | |
Publisher Name : | Ramon A. Guivas | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://thematicsjournals.in/index.php/tjz | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2599-8632 | |
Publisher Name : | Sukriming Sapareng | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.unanda.ac.id/index.php/jtas/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-120X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Stephen Satchell | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/afbr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1234 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Francois Victor Tochon | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/amfbr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-0753 | |
Publisher Name : | Walter Wanggur | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.sthb.ac.id/index.php/jwy/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2524-2148 | |
Publisher Name : | Mezahir Ertug Avsar | |
Country : | AzerbaijanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jomardpublishing.com/journals.aspx?lang=en&id=10&info=New%20Design%20Ideas | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-4773 | |
Publisher Name : | Abel Maharramov | |
Country : | AzerbaijanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jomardpublishing.com/journals.aspx?lang=en&id=12&info=New%20Materials,%20Compounds%20and%20Applications | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-2872 | |
Publisher Name : | Hosein Naderpour | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jsoftcivil.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3976 | |
Publisher Name : | Samaneh Elyasi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.tajournals.com/index.php/homepsychology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-4144 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc.Prof. K. M. Anwarul Islam | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijibfr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-4098 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Chien-Ping Chen | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijmri | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-9537 | |
Publisher Name : | Achmad Sani Supriyanto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/mec/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2568-6828 | |
Publisher Name : | Timo Schmitz | |
Country : | GermanyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ethnophilosophical-journal.de | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-263X | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet Ak, Mehmet Akif Kara | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/asya | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7622 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohd Faeez Bin Ilias | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.kuis.edu.my/attarbawiy/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2530-7940 | |
Publisher Name : | ÓSCAR LÓPEZ-ZALDÍVAR | |
Country : | SpainStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://polired.upm.es/index.php/abe | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4888 | |
Publisher Name : | Turgut Özseven | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijmsit | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-0855 | |
Publisher Name : | Arthur Daniel Limantara | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.unik-kediri.ac.id/index.php/ukarst | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3512 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Zeynep Ölçü Din.çer | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/eje | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-109X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Naveed Sultana | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jcte.aiou.edu.pk/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-8236 | |
Publisher Name : | Silvio Felipe Barbosa de Lima | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://revistas.ufcg.edu.br/cfp/index.php/RPECEN | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1412 | |
Publisher Name : | Jianxun (Jim) Song | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.imedpub.com/applied-microbiology-and-biochemistry/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2158-3080 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Imran Kazmi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijpp.edwiserinternational.com/home.php | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2739-0519 | |
Publisher Name : | Maite Marrero | |
Country : | VenezuelaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://uba.edu.ve/revistas-vision-educativa/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2791-2779 | |
Publisher Name : | Edgar Sojo | |
Country : | VenezuelaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://uba.edu.ve/revistas-psiquisuba/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-559X | |
Publisher Name : | Lourdes Yessenia Cabrera Martínez | |
Country : | EcuadorStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://investigacion.utc.edu.ec/revistasutc/index.php/rimarina | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2739-0500 | |
Publisher Name : | Gabriela Barreto | |
Country : | VenezuelaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://uba.edu.ve/revistas-investuba/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-2303 | |
Publisher Name : | Urip Sulistiyo, S.Pd., M.Ed., P.hD. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/index.php/IJoLTE/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5725 | |
Publisher Name : | Hakan AKDAG | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/sbyy | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2559-1118 | |
Publisher Name : | Anton FICAI | |
Country : | RomaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sciedtech.eu/journals/advnanobiomd/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4328 | |
Publisher Name : | Lucian A. Lucia | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ajgreenchem.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2603-5820 | |
Publisher Name : | Antonio Pantoja Vallejo | |
Country : | SpainStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.mlsjournals.com/Educational-Research-Journal | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2559-2637 | |
Publisher Name : | Denisa FICAI | |
Country : | RomaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sciedtech.eu/journals/advmtenvsci/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2001-5569 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohd Zainuddin | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijrit.net/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4306 | |
Publisher Name : | Salih Tellioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.sbedergi.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-7682 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof.Dr. Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijibm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0354 | |
Publisher Name : | RAJESH PATNE | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://successiirj.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-9430 | |
Publisher Name : | DR. KENNEDY BEN MWENGEI | |
Country : | KenyaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://oircjournals.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-2869 | |
Publisher Name : | Lintang Citra Christiani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-0749 | |
Publisher Name : | Jovita Nnenna | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.starnewsng.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-2435 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Muhammad Aziz ur Rehman | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ssc.umt.edu.pk/sir/Home.aspx | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-2260 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Muhammad Azhar Iqbal | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.umt.edu.pk/sbe/jqm/Home.aspx | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-6619 | |
Publisher Name : | David Simon Hall | |
Country : | TurkmenistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ojs.tripaledu.com/jefa | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6209 | |
Publisher Name : | DR. MEVLUT AYDOGMUS | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ijonmes.net | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-589X | |
Publisher Name : | BAYRAM TAY | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.tayjournal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-7720 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc.Prof. K. M. Anwarul Islam | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijsmes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2516 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bayram ÖZER | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/jier | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-8637 | |
Publisher Name : | Saleem Mustafa | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurcon.ums.edu.my/ojums/index.php/BJoMSA | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2547-8729 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zihni Turkan | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://yakinmimarlik.neu.edu.tr/index.php/yakinmimarlik | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-387X | |
Publisher Name : | LUAN VARDARI | |
Country : | AlbaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://prizrenjournal.com/index.php/PSSJ/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2575-7962 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hua Bai | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.hillpublisher.com/journals/jsfa/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-0653 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Hari Mohan Srivastava | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.hillpublisher.com/journals/JAMC/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-2887 | |
Publisher Name : | Supriyadi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-jurnal.lppmunsera.org/index.php/JSMI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2623-064X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mojibur Rohman, M.Pd | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.uniramalang.ac.id/index.php/g-tech/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-9671 | |
Publisher Name : | Hendri Ahmadian | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id/index.php/cyberspace/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-1024 | |
Publisher Name : | Emanoel Cesar Pires de Assis | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ppg.revistas.uema.br/index.php/jucara/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6055 | |
Publisher Name : | Cengiz ÖZEL | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/usmtd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-9245 | |
Publisher Name : | Anis Mashdurohatun | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/lawreconstruction/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-8196 | |
Publisher Name : | Asrori | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.um-surabaya.ac.id/index.php/Studia | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3250 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Chaudhari G. M. | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://gsconlinepress.com/journals/gscbps/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2536-5029 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ahmet Yesil | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/iranian | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2414-8881 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.S.Senthilkumar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.kongujournals.com/litera-journal-social-science.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-456X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ahmet Zafer TEL | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/commagene | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5717 | |
Publisher Name : | Huseyin Gumus | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijrss | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2371-770X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Masoud Vosough | |
Country : | CanadaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://modernmedlab.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2564-7229 | |
Publisher Name : | Mustafa Öztürk | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/kadimsbd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-8408 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Muhammad Amanullah | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.iium.edu.my/al-fiqh | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-5108 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Sri Haryati, M.Pd | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/edulearning | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5938 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Ertugrul Çam | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/bilmes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-575X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Recep HALICIOGLU | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/iarej | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-0179 | |
Publisher Name : | Fuqoha | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-jurnal.lppmunsera.org/index.php/ajudikasi | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2277-2995 | |
Publisher Name : | Yevhen Matviyishyn | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://thematicsjournals.in/index.php/tjg | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-376X | |
Publisher Name : | Asnawi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.uir.ac.id/index.php/geram | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-5092 | |
Publisher Name : | Marcos R. da S. Vieira | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ajpr.online | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2885 | |
Publisher Name : | SAYIM AKTAY | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://itejournal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7622 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohd Faeez Ilias | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.kuis.edu.my/attarbawiy/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3275 | |
Publisher Name : | Peyman Beiranvand | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jces.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-2089 | |
Publisher Name : | Bilal Çankir | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ihssr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-5526 | |
Publisher Name : | Yudong Zhang | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jmid | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2564-6400 | |
Publisher Name : | Erdem Uçar | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/jots | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-7054 | |
Publisher Name : | Sok Udom Deth | |
Country : | CambodiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jomeino.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2590-406X | |
Publisher Name : | Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson Popoola | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ipjaf.omjpalpha.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2550-0929 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdul Hamid A. Toha | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournalfpikunipa.ac.id/index.php/JSAI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2531-0046 | |
Publisher Name : | Ph.D. Antonio Aragón Sánchez & Ph.D. Gregorio Sánchez Marín | |
Country : | SpainStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sbir.upct.es | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-7455 | |
Publisher Name : | Dessy Artina | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/ML/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-266X | |
Publisher Name : | Asst. Prof. Dr. Nigar Taspinar | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://business-finance.net | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-7780 | |
Publisher Name : | Kusmanadji | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.bppk.kemenkeu.go.id/jurnalbppk | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-0212 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammad Azam and Waqas Nazeer | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openmathscience.com/about/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8279 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Sandip G Buddhadev | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.pharmaayurved.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-4538 | |
Publisher Name : | Javad Javan-Noughabi | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jphi | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6586 | |
Publisher Name : | Gürhan Durak | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/jetol | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2667-5447 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Cengiz TASKIN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/besbid | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2467-295X | |
Publisher Name : | Hamid Reza Boveiri | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.i-cses.com/iitcib/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6594 | |
Publisher Name : | Erol Egrioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://tjforecast.xyz | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1269 | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet Seyfettin Erol | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/uksad | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-425X | |
Publisher Name : | Ali Apali | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/makuubd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5903 | |
Publisher Name : | Cihad Özsöz | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/sosnot | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2419 | |
Publisher Name : | Fatih Kaleci | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/metder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4344 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Dr. Ali Ramazani | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://chemmethod.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-5795 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Tirtana Siregar | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.poltekapp.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-2740 | |
Publisher Name : | Ghassem Kavei | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.richt.ir/icsj/index.php?&slct_pg_id=10&sid=1&slc_lang=en | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2619-9319 | |
Publisher Name : | Davut Saritas | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/mamulebd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-1643 | |
Publisher Name : | Taufiq Iqbal | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.lembagakita.org/index.php/jtik | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-7656 | |
Publisher Name : | Segura Aguilar Juan Ernesto | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://applispublishers.com/clinical-pharmacology-and-translational-medicine-cptm/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-6684 | |
Publisher Name : | Ramazi O. Datiashvili | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://applispublishers.com/advances-in-plastic-reconstructive-surgery-aprs/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2591-7366 | |
Publisher Name : | Bing-Huei Chen | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.alliedacademies.org/research-and-reports-in-gynecology-and-obstetrics/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Sehba Zaidi | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Khayala Mammadova | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-7752 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Ashish Rami | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.raiuniversity.edu/rising/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. A. Arun Kumar | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Yaseen Taha Mustafa | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-4606 | |
Publisher Name : | David L Waldman | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.americanjir.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Rex Bringula | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Pradeep Bhatnagar | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ritvik Dubey | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Manish Pandya & Dr. Jagdish Raiyani | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1277 | |
Publisher Name : | Engin Deligoz | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/asujse | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Bilal Cankir | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | A. P. Hetman – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1218 | |
Publisher Name : | Nezir Akyesilmen | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://cyberpolitikjournal.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-9347 | |
Publisher Name : | Achmad Ryan Fauzi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.unublitar.ac.id/jdr/index.php/jdr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Larysa Shevchenko, doctor of philology, professor | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-7361 | |
Publisher Name : | Jyoti Lalotra | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijses.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-849X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Harsimran Singh Sethi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://le-dentistry.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8422 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohammed Abdul Hannan Hazari | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://amphysiol.com/index.php/amp | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-7054 | |
Publisher Name : | Sok Udom Deth | |
Country : | CambodiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | jomeino.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8449 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. K. Sekaran | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijie.gjpublications.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-4332 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Corry Yohana | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1366 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof.Dr.Murat YAKAR | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tuje | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Kursad OZKAN | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2454-4485 | |
Publisher Name : | Hitesh Katariya | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijcrp.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-9860 | |
Publisher Name : | izzatul mardhiah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/hayula/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2397 | |
Publisher Name : | Ugur Cakilcioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.journalnatureandlifesci.com/index.php/ojs/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-6716 | |
Publisher Name : | Michael Tanzer | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://applispublishers.com/recent-advances-in-arthroplasty-raa/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2717-3607 | |
Publisher Name : | naser fakhari | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.mpishraft.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2656-4726 | |
Publisher Name : | Imam Abu Hanifah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untirta.ac.id/index.php/JRA/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3676 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Sudev Naduvath | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://csdm.org.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2591-7641 | |
Publisher Name : | Nakic Zoran | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.pulsus.com/journal-environmental-geology.html | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-2223 | |
Publisher Name : | Sarfraz Aslam | |
Country : | United Arab EmiratesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://saudijournals.com/jaep/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2645-9248 | |
Publisher Name : | Saad Ahmed Ali AlAZAWI | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jidhealth.com/index.php/jidhealth | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-5502 | |
Publisher Name : | Saied Reza Ameli | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jcss.ut.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-160X | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/mipt | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-9499 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Romuladus E. Azuine, DrPH, MPH, RN | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ijtmrph.org/index.php/IJTMRPH | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-8558 | |
Publisher Name : | Bagus Takwin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.ui.ac.id/index.php/jps/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-766X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Lokeswara Rao Bhogadi | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/wct | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-2967 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.C. José Carlos Toro Ríos | |
Country : | CubaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.mfp.gob.cu/revista_mfp/index.php/RCFP | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-9059 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Azhari, S.H., MCL., M.A | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id/sklj | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7805 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohamed Elhoseny | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/bdci | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2574-0245 | |
Publisher Name : | Ioan–Gheorghe Rotaru | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.rais.education/index.php/raiss/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-9815 | |
Publisher Name : | krismadinata | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://invotek.ppj.unp.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-3994 | |
Publisher Name : | Nurina Hidayah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.unikal.ac.id/index.php/Delta | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-7129 | |
Publisher Name : | Zulkifli Ahmad | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.unkhair.ac.id/index.php/Techno | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-9200 | |
Publisher Name : | Alice Taylor | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://crimsonpublishers.com/rpn/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-3746 | |
Publisher Name : | Karto Wijaya | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.universitaskebangsaan.ac.id/index.php/arcade | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2684-6985 | |
Publisher Name : | Kuwing Baboe | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.upr.ac.id/index.php/JP-IPS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3242 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Vicente Garcia Diaz & Dr. Vijender Kumar Solanki | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.mlnce.net/index.php/Home | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2406-7393 | |
Publisher Name : | Dyah Ayu Fajarianingtyas | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnallensa.web.id/index.php/lensa | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-7148 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammad Aswad, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.unsulbar.ac.id/index.php/eduvelop | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2591-7064 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Carmencita L. Castolo | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://aaresearchindex.com/ojs/index.php/AAJMRA | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4573 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammad ShahMohammadi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://majournal.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2397-7116 | |
Publisher Name : | Ilona Boniwell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2684-6705 | |
Publisher Name : | Fitriani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.uho.ac.id/index.php/jagat | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1536 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammed YILDIZ | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ybpd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-7054 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Sok Udom Deth | |
Country : | CambodiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jomeino.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Faid Gul | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2547-9733 | |
Publisher Name : | Kemal Vatansever | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/alanyaakademik | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Nasim Khan | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-3604 | |
Publisher Name : | Sri Utami Ady | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.unitomo.ac.id/index.php/manajemen | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-1582 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Meghit Boumediene KHALED | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.najfnr.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0785 | |
Publisher Name : | R. Pars Sahbaz | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.yepad.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-4279 | |
Publisher Name : | Hasbahuddin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.stkip-andi-matappa.ac.id/index.php/jurkam | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Francis Philip Barclay | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-2437 | |
Publisher Name : | Eka Fitria Ningsih | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id/index.php/numerical/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-2759 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammad Tahan | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://specialpsychology.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Ismail AYDOGAN | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2538-4155 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Seyed Saeed Mazloomy Mahmoodabad | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sbrh.ssu.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Viorica Deselnciu | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2520-5234 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Alaa Al-Daamy | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.sjomr.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-0760 | |
Publisher Name : | Yuhefizar | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.iaii.or.id/index.php/RESTI/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9259 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Anoop Badoni | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jpsr.in/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-8622 | |
Publisher Name : | Saeful Anam | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.inkafa.ac.id/index.php/jalie-inkafa | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Neeraj Tiwari | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-754X | |
Publisher Name : | SOURAV GUPTA | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.theatrestreetjournal.in | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1293 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Ahmet BURAN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/turklad | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-4611 | |
Publisher Name : | Ari Septian | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.unsur.ac.id/prisma | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Robert John Amato | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-clinical-nephrology-therapeutics/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3526 | |
Publisher Name : | Morteza Naderi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jwb.araku.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3518 | |
Publisher Name : | Hamidreza Mahboobi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jomrah.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Hisham Barakat Hussein | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2559-138X | |
Publisher Name : | Ecaterina ANDRONESCU | |
Country : | RomaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sciedtech.eu/journals/advnanoenergy/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4500 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Bünyamin BACAK | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijiasos.penpublishing.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Grigory Goncharuk | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-0041 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mazher Hussain | |
Country : | FranceStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijsshe.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-3003 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmad Waqas | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sjcms.iba-suk.edu.pk | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-7315 | |
Publisher Name : | UMI HARTATI | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.ummetro.ac.id/index.php/swarnadwipa/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2079 | |
Publisher Name : | Fatih Basak | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/josam | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2520-7318 | |
Publisher Name : | Ali Raza | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijabf.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0491 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Turhan ÇETIN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ankad.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Taner UNLU | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-3442 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ferry Sandra | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.cellbiopharm.com/ojs/index.php/MCBS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmed Y. Gamal | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-2907 | |
Publisher Name : | Widitya Tri Nugraha | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/jalspro | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2584-3893 | |
Publisher Name : | Mario Kopljar | |
Country : | CroatiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.biomedsurg.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3984 | |
Publisher Name : | Samaneh Elyasi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.tajournals.com/index.php/homeengineer | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4220 | |
Publisher Name : | mehrzad moghadasi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jpah.iaushiraz.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2398-5607 | |
Publisher Name : | Stephen Palmer | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.europeancounselling.eu | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2397-7698 | |
Publisher Name : | Siobhain ORiordan | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.stressprevention.net | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2619-9475 | |
Publisher Name : | Yusuf Arslan | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ulasbid | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4225 | |
Publisher Name : | Adem Sezer | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.futurevisionsjournal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4565 | |
Publisher Name : | sr.masoud motallebi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://rahbordsyasi.saminatech.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-2920 | |
Publisher Name : | Fritz Gamaliel | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://politeknikmeta.ac.id/meta/ojs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3733 | |
Publisher Name : | Bülent Dilmaç | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journalrep.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2893 | |
Publisher Name : | Hür Mahmut Yücer | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/apjir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-6031 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. A. Rani Usman, M.Si | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id/index.php/peurawi | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-6861 | |
Publisher Name : | Dwi Ely Kurniawan | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JAIC | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-4553 | |
Publisher Name : | David Barnes | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://madridge.org/journal-of-case-reports-and-studies | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4241 | |
Publisher Name : | Tamer KUTLUCA | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/iejes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-2281 | |
Publisher Name : | Julio Torales | |
Country : | ParaguayStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.medicinaclinicaysocial.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-4258 | |
Publisher Name : | Amin Paykani | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://maptapublishing.com/index.php/mjmie | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-5234 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.ipm2kpe.or.id/index.php/COSTING | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2524-1303 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof Batina Agasa | |
Country : | MalawiStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ajhissues.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-5218 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.ipm2kpe.or.id/index.php/KIBASP | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-7367 | |
Publisher Name : | Sandy Ramdhani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.hamzanwadi.ac.id/index.php/jga/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2378-703X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hazim Jabbar Shah Ali | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ajhssr.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-3283 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Asif Niwaz Satti | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.uoh.edu.pk/hjer | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-8975 | |
Publisher Name : | Richard Kones | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.auctoresonline.org/journals/diabetes-and-islet-biology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0389 | |
Publisher Name : | DR. KAMLESH WADHER | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://greencrosspublications.com/research-pharmaceutica/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-3405 | |
Publisher Name : | Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari | |
Country : | NepalStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journalofinterdisciplinarysciences.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3970 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Himmet KARADAL | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.journalemi.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4144 | |
Publisher Name : | Asst. Prof. Oguz DIKER | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://gastroia.dergi.comu.edu.tr/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7362 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/international-journal-veterinary-animal-medicine/ijvam | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-5007 | |
Publisher Name : | Olga Kyvluik | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.journal-discourse.com/en/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-2661 | |
Publisher Name : | Kapil L. | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://mejournal.in/index.php/mej | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2564-7822 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Sahin Çetinkaya | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/joecopol | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4748 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Sahin ÇETINKAYA | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/utsobilder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6187 | |
Publisher Name : | Ishak KÜÇÜKYILDIZ | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/anasay | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-1819 | |
Publisher Name : | Mac Aditiawarman | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.sastra-unes.com/index.php/JILP | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-3630 | |
Publisher Name : | AINURROHMAH | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.stkipnurulhuda.ac.id/index.php/Channing | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-570X | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/journal-cardiology-cardiovascular-medicine/ijccm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2589-8698 | |
Publisher Name : | P GUPTA | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijmbs.info/index.php/ijmbs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-3403 | |
Publisher Name : | Desyandri | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/jippsd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-8255 | |
Publisher Name : | PhD. Gustavo Rodríguez Bárcenas | |
Country : | EcuadorStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://investigacion.utc.edu.ec/revistasutc/index.php/ciya | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-5726 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/food-and-nutrition-open-access/fnoa | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7389 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/dentistry-and-dental-medicine/jddm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7397 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/journal-emerging-rare-diseases/jerd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7419 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/journal-of-translational-gastroenterology-clinical-hepatology/jtgch | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-420X | |
Publisher Name : | Kuat Ismanto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.iainpekalongan.ac.id/index.php/IJIBEC/about | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7370 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/cancer-research-and-oncobiology/jcro | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7435 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/methods-of-microbiology-molecular-biology/mmmb | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-8085 | |
Publisher Name : | Efraín Velasteguí López | |
Country : | EcuadorStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cienciadigital.org/revistascienciadigital/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-2231 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Rabiul Ahasan | |
Country : | United Arab EmiratesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://saudijournals.com/sjce/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-6563 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Faisal G. Khamis | |
Country : | United Arab EmiratesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://saudijournals.com/sjef/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2354-8177 | |
Publisher Name : | Agus Purnama | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.stikim.ac.id/ojs_new/index.php/jiiki | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-6463 | |
Publisher Name : | Fábio Ricardo Mizuno Lemos | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.motricidades.org/journal/index.php/journal/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0923 | |
Publisher Name : | Richa Ghay Thaman | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ctdt.co.in | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-5695 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. H. S Saini | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.innovationjournals.com/index-ps.html#hme | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Inci KUYULU ERSOY | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1293 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Ahmet BURAN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | dergipark.gov.tr/turklad | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-2559 | |
Publisher Name : | Ali Riza SANDALCILAR | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ueip | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1412 | |
Publisher Name : | Jianxun (Jim) Song | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.imedpub.com/applied-microbiology-and-biochemistry/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-7407 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.dr. Dedi Afandi, DFM, Sp.F | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jkm.fk.unri.ac.id/index.php/jkm/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-2349 | |
Publisher Name : | Wendell Teles | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://periodicos.uea.edu.br/index.php/revistageotransfronteirica/issue/view/41 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-2349 | |
Publisher Name : | Wendell Teles | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://periodicos.uea.edu.br/index.php/revistageotransfronteirica | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-2880 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahad Ouria | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.lexispublisher.com/jcema | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-2958 | |
Publisher Name : | Herman Kabetta | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.swu.ac.id/teknikom | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-4667 | |
Publisher Name : | Maksim Iavich | |
Country : | GeorgiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.scsa.ge/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-5511 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Tyas Basuki | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.forda-mof.org/ejournal-litbang/index.php/JPPDAS/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Viktor Porada | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0719-7438 | |
Publisher Name : | Aldo Ocampo González y Concepción López-Andrada | |
Country : | ChileStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://revista.celei.cl/index.php/PREI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-4667 | |
Publisher Name : | Maksim Iavich | |
Country : | GeorgiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.scsa.ge | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2540 | |
Publisher Name : | Seymur Agazade | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/anadoluiid | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-004X | |
Publisher Name : | Abdeldjalil KHELASSI | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://medtech.ichsmt.org/index.php/MTJ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2605 | |
Publisher Name : | Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yüksel Barut | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/igusabder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-1555 | |
Publisher Name : | Júlio César Garcia | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/direitosemfronteiras | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-1452 | |
Publisher Name : | THOHA FIRDAUS | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.stkipnurulhuda.ac.id/index.php/JTI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-1930 | |
Publisher Name : | Viola Vambol | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jteb.nuczu.edu.ua/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammad Kristiawan | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4438 | |
Publisher Name : | Ibrahim YIGIT | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://klinikpsikolojidergisi.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Rajashree shinde, Dr. Krishna sharma, Dr. Nutan samdhani | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-1847 | |
Publisher Name : | Maisarah Binti Saat | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.ifasra.com/index.php/jafep | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2540 | |
Publisher Name : | Seymur Agazade | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/anadoluiid | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-9076 | |
Publisher Name : | Thoha Firdaus | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.stkipnurulhuda.ac.id/index.php/JIPFRI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Chizoba “Dr. Zee” Madueke (Ph.D) | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-1767 | |
Publisher Name : | Veronika Nugraheni Sri Lestari | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.unitomo.ac.id/index.php/ep | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | SERDAL ÖGÜT | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2520-4750 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Brent Fontaine | |
Country : | BangladeshStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijsab.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-3008 | |
Publisher Name : | ÖzgeUYSAL SAHIN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ratingacademy.com.tr/journals/index.php/jsp/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-1916 | |
Publisher Name : | Riki | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/te | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3970 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Himmet KARADAL | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journalemi.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-3288 | |
Publisher Name : | Zaiyan AHyadi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://eltikom.poliban.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Tuncay Aydemir | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3164 | |
Publisher Name : | Hilmi Kodaz | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ejmi.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Umar Tangke | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3865 | |
Publisher Name : | Serkan Sahinkaya | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ejcar | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7509 | |
Publisher Name : | DR. ZULKIFLI BIN AINI | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnalselangor.com.my/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2571-9904 | |
Publisher Name : | BOUZIANE Abdelghani | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/212 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-2653 | |
Publisher Name : | Vishnu parihar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sshj.in/index.php/sshj | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-4900 | |
Publisher Name : | Massimo Franco | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://meddocsonline.org/journal-of-community-medicine.html | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2636-8153 | |
Publisher Name : | Gökçe Bayindir Goularas | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | conress.yeditepe.edu.tr / http://dergipark.gov.tr/conress | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0842 | |
Publisher Name : | Farha Tadvi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://aapsj.in/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-0408 | |
Publisher Name : | Mr. M.A. Naidu | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.aextj.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3463 | |
Publisher Name : | Mr. M.A. Naidu | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ajms.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2990 | |
Publisher Name : | Serkan Sahinkaya | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ejere | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-5028 | |
Publisher Name : | Jennifer Roy | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://applispublishers.com/global-womens-health-gwh/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-5036 | |
Publisher Name : | Jennifer Roy | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://applispublishers.com/otolaryngology-head-and-neck-surgery-global-open/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-8200 | |
Publisher Name : | Natalia M. Alassio | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.evotecpublisher.com/the-open-journal-of-economics-and-finance/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-8528 | |
Publisher Name : | Drs. Yagus Wijayanto, Ph.D. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/GEOSI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3048 | |
Publisher Name : | Selvamani.I | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.irjiet.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-9054 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Jean Mari Felizardo | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.uni7.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/revistadaadministracao/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-5687 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr A H Ansari | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.enggandmgtjournal.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6349 | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet ÖZDEMIR | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/akaded | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2574-609x | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Ambrish Gupta | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijfb | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Wayan | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4212 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Behnam Barikbin | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jhst.bums.ac.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4535 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Kemal Melik SAHIN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijiasr.penpublishing.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3062 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Reza Jafari Nodoushan | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ohhp.ssu.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7427 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/journal-water-technology-treatment-methods/jwttm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-5546 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammad Altin Massinai | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/geocelebes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2233-2358 | |
Publisher Name : | Morteza Taheri | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://intjssh.com/index.php/ijssh/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-3535 | |
Publisher Name : | Giuseppe Murdaca | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://madridge.org/journal-of-clinical-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-7640 | |
Publisher Name : | Joseph Shiber | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/general-emergency-medicine/31 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2676-6345 | |
Publisher Name : | Iran Finance Association | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijfifsa.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2631-3243 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Baris SEVIM | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://maptapublishing.com/index.php/mjauce | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-1235 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sujo.usindh.edu.pk/index.php/USJICT | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7678 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Elsayed Mohammed Elsayed | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/jscs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1960 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/fsj | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9070 | |
Publisher Name : | Farha Tadvi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijpderma.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-9962 | |
Publisher Name : | Purwarno | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.uisu.ac.id/index.php/languageliteracy/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2631-3278 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/drug-design-development-and-delivery/ddddj | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-3786 | |
Publisher Name : | Hadiratul Kudsiah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/panritaabdi/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2651-2629 | |
Publisher Name : | Hassan Soleimani | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://alrjournal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2617-958X | |
Publisher Name : | EIMJ | |
Country : | JordanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.eimj.org/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2577-8757 | |
Publisher Name : | Bryan G. Allen | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-radiation-therapy-and-oncology/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2630-4570 | |
Publisher Name : | Faisal Abdul Latif Alnasir | |
Country : | BelgiumStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.alliedacademies.org/clinical-experimental-toxicology/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2635-389X | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Israel Wilson Udomisor | |
Country : | NigeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://unimaid.edu.ng/journals-social.html | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8147 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ho Soon Min | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijaps.net/i | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | N. V. Quyen | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2717-9931 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Hanefi CALP | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/jismar | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2717-7262 | |
Publisher Name : | Firuz FEVZI | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ispecjournal.org/index.php/ispecijssh | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9348 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof(Dr.) Archana L | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijetrm.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2550-0481 | |
Publisher Name : | Agustin Azizah Mahardika | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-jurnalmitrapendidikan.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1979 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jgc | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1234-5678 | |
Publisher Name : | Kemal Ari | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tarihvegunce | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-2002 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/sf | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | B. A. Almayyahi | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2520-7393 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Abdul Sattar Saand | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.estirj.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-4745 | |
Publisher Name : | Carla Priscilla Barbosa Santos Cordeiro Cordeiro | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://revistas.cesmac.edu.br/index.php/dec/issue/view/39 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2595-203X | |
Publisher Name : | Gabriel de Oliveira Rodrigues | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://medius.pdl.ifmt.edu.br | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-5053 | |
Publisher Name : | Rahadian Kurniawan | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.staincurup.ac.id/index.php/ARABIYATUNA/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-0955 | |
Publisher Name : | Rita Rosiana | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untirta.ac.id/index.php/JIEc%22 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-6584 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Asif Ahmed | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijoabs.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2524-2156 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Farooq-e-Azam Cheema | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.bahria.edu.pk/bjmt/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2399-4908 | |
Publisher Name : | Associate Professor Kerina Jones | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.ijpds.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1839 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/ijmss | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2541-8076 | |
Publisher Name : | Sukiasyan Asatur Albertovich | |
Country : | RussiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://aeterna-ufa.ru/journal-academic-journalism/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2541-8084 | |
Publisher Name : | Sukiasyan Asatur Albertovich | |
Country : | RussiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://os-russia.com/nk/mnp-electron | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7759 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Chenna Reddy pakanati | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/cse | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2677-6717 | |
Publisher Name : | Shigeyoshi Oba | |
Country : | AustraliaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.arvinmedonline.org/International-Journal-of-neurology-Research-and-therapy/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4160 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammed Kamil ÖDEN, PhD | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijent | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | None | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.S.Vijikumar | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7902 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Carmencita L. Castolo | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ascendensasia.com/ojs/index.php/AAJMRCP | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0955 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Fatih YALCIN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/edid | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7662 | |
Publisher Name : | Wah Yen Tey | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.akademiabaru.com/progee.html | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-8120 | |
Publisher Name : | Tamires Cristina Bonani Conti | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://rdai.com.br/ojs/index.php/rdai/about | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-2953 | |
Publisher Name : | Shinta Ratnawati | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/rekomen/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-3786 | |
Publisher Name : | William Rose | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scireslit.com/Cardiology/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2621-0347 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhamad Ramli | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejurnal.staialfalahbjb.ac.id/index.php/alfalahjikk | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-7565 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Muhammad Athar Hussain | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jecce.aiou.edu.pk/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2651-3560 | |
Publisher Name : | Aysel Gundogdu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/bspad | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-6879 | |
Publisher Name : | Aladdin Malikov (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5830-6764) | |
Country : | AzerbaijanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://metafizikajurnali.az/i1_en.html | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-4906 | |
Publisher Name : | Dario Galante | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/clinical-anesthesia-pain-medicine/32 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2535-0447 | |
Publisher Name : | Daniel Angelov | |
Country : | BulgariaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://tok-bg.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-6233 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr G Vidyadharani | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://maxenepublications.com/journal/maxene-journal-of-chemical-sciences.html | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-6225 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr G Vidyadharani | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://maxenepublications.com/journal/maxene-journal-of-mathematical-science.html | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-7277 | |
Publisher Name : | YENNY AS | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jhmb.ac.id/index.php/jhmb/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-4250 | |
Publisher Name : | Ihor Churpiy | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | art-of-medicine.ifnmu.edu.ua | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2550-1526 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof Dr Amiya Bhaumik | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijrtbt.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8090 | |
Publisher Name : | Vatsul Sharma | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ihrjournal.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-9292 | |
Publisher Name : | Andreas Synetos | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cardiolcardiovascmed.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-5017 | |
Publisher Name : | rancisco Lopez Munoz | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.archclinbiomedres.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-9365 | |
Publisher Name : | Masashi Emoto | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://archmicrobiolimmunology.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-519X | |
Publisher Name : | Michael Maes | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jpsychiatrypsychiatricdisord.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Haresh Parmar | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-6967 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hossein Azizi Nejad | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jonahs.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1862 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Mustafa KULU | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.filistinisrail.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2622-6804 | |
Publisher Name : | Untung Rahardja | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijc.ilearning.co/index.php/ATM | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-2567 | |
Publisher Name : | Kerem Gökten | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/pek | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-6564 | |
Publisher Name : | Kazue Sawami | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.arvinmedonline.org/Clinical-and-Medical-Case-Reports-and-Studies/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1528 | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet E. Guler | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijctr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-4338 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Neel Kamal Purohit | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.sjcm.subodhpgcollege.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-0759 | |
Publisher Name : | Bernardo Trimiño Quiala | |
Country : | MexicoStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ciinsev.com/web/index.php?mod=revistas | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-4361 | |
Publisher Name : | Toru Ishikawa | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-digestive-and-liver-disease/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-9867 | |
Publisher Name : | Yoshihide Ogawa | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-urological-research/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2475-5702 | |
Publisher Name : | Rui-Xing Yin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/heart-and-stroke/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2667-5145 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mehmet Kilic | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/http-dergipark-gov-tr-journal-1517-dashboard | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2538-3736 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Abdoljalal Marjani | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jcbr.goums.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2621-1564 | |
Publisher Name : | Ade Tuti Turistiati | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.stiami.ac.id/index.php/lugas | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2590-4132 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Yarub Al-Douri | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.siats.co.uk/journal-of-experimental-and-theoretical-nanotechnology-specialized-researches/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-860X | |
Publisher Name : | Asrizal | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jep.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/jep | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2303 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Kürsat ÖZDASLI | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/busad | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2651-4389 | |
Publisher Name : | Ugur Çakilcioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.janaeduc.com/index.php/ojs/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7400 | |
Publisher Name : | Michel S. BOURIN | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/journal-neuroscience-neurosurgery/jnn | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-7107 | |
Publisher Name : | Viktor Koval | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ees-journal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0834 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Biju Vasudevan , Dr Parimala Mani, Dr Udhayakumar Ramalingam | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://asiamath.org/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1412 | |
Publisher Name : | Kaan SEVIM | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/scd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-0203 | |
Publisher Name : | Prod. Dr. Najeebullah Khan | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www/par.fjwu.edu.pk | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-8174 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Rosihan Asmara | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jepa.ub.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-5718 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/advances-in-computer-sciences/acs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3690 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammad Javad Zare Sakhvidi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http:// aoh.ssu.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2575-7946 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Joanna Kostecka | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.hillpublisher.com/journals/er/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-0030 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Herdis Herdiansyah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ajce.ui.ac.id/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7953 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Vimal Kumar Saraswat | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.inscribepublications.com/journal/rivista | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7856 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Vimal Kumar Saraswat | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.inscribepublications.com/journal/josa | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Riffat Sultana | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1048 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Gunter J. Bischof | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/aijssr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2532-5450 | |
Publisher Name : | Paolo Gritti | |
Country : | ItalyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jpsjournal.org/ojs/index.php/JPS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Wayan | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Pravin chub | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1188 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Amrinder Singh | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/asfbr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kurtulus ONGEL | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4772 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Yalçin KAYA | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijiaar.penpublishing.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3490 | |
Publisher Name : | Erdal Matur | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/http-www-jivs-net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Jainuddin Ansari | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2636-7866 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Öznur ATAS AKDEMIR | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/uead | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1277 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Seungho Baek | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/aesr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-717x | |
Publisher Name : | Agung Budianto Achmad | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JVHS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3889 | |
Publisher Name : | Vinod Singh | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.theijbmt.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-2024 | |
Publisher Name : | Alfio Ferlito | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://madridge.org/journal-of-immunology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-6861 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Awani Kumar Rai | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.adrpublications.in/journal-of-drug-discovery-and-development?search=Drug | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6543 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmet ALTUNGÖO | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/otad | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2574-2426 | |
Publisher Name : | Klause Lisa | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://smjournals.com/forensic-research/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-9756 | |
Publisher Name : | Orli R. Etingin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.auctoresonline.org/journals/women-health-care-and-issues | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1855 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jpse | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0095 | |
Publisher Name : | Rimjhim S. | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://mantechpublications.com/admin/index.php/JoMSM/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-8876 | |
Publisher Name : | Zhang Yongxin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/immunology-and-inflammation-diseases-therapy | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof Godwin Avwioro | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Dr Hab. Joanna Marszalek-Kawa | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-852X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Rintu Banerjee | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://biodimension.org/jibs/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | fida hussain | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2564-7601 | |
Publisher Name : | Serap Erdogan | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journalofomepturkey.org/index.php/eccd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Fabian Huber | |
Country : | AustriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://aus-journal.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-5612 | |
Publisher Name : | César Andrés Urizar González | |
Country : | ParaguayStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.revdiscovermedicine.com/index.php/inicio | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-7298 | |
Publisher Name : | Heri Nurdiyanto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijair.id/index.php/ijair | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Arab Naz | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2564-7202 | |
Publisher Name : | Göklhan Günes | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journalofeast.hu.edu.tr/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3342 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Sedat TURGUT | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.acjes.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2575-792X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Abu N.M. Wahid | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijbmf | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Arsia TAGHVA | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-966X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Riasat Ali | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.awkum.edu.pk/rje/index.html | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-812x | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Enas | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.unigal.ac.id/index.php/managementreview | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8139 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Varshil Mehta | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jmri.org.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-5302 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Richard Chinomona | |
Country : | South AfricaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jbs-re.com/home.php | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-7761 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Jean Mari Felizardo | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.uni7.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/revista-de-engenharia | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-1795 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Oualid Hamdaoui | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://process-eng-j.webs.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1668 | |
Publisher Name : | Cenk Aksoy | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijma | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2538-4716 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammad Ranjbar | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jebhpme.ssu.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-0793 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Dr. Christine Richardson | |
Country : | BangladeshStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijlhss.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Jesse Omoregie | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Neslihan KARATAS DURMUS | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Tamer YILMAZ | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-1676 | |
Publisher Name : | Vedat Veli ÇAY | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/jav | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-8588 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Muhammad Atif Aslam ao | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://afkar.com.pk | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-6683 | |
Publisher Name : | CHIRAG M.PATEL | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijrcs.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-0191 | |
Publisher Name : | Siti Nuryani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.teknolabjournal.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.N.S.Viswanath | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-8791 | |
Publisher Name : | Miftah Arifin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.unisnu.ac.id/jdc | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Winston Pontoh, SE., MM., Ak. | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-3608 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JAGI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-167X | |
Publisher Name : | Penny Lee | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/fsns/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-041X | |
Publisher Name : | Anson Young | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/jecs/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2474-4980 | |
Publisher Name : | Lisa Brown | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/asir/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Vagif Farzaliyev | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8929 | |
Publisher Name : | kanika sharma | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ijss.co | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-2054 | |
Publisher Name : | Itsar Bolo Rangka | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal-bk.unindra.ac.id/index.php/teraputik/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2475-6164 | |
Publisher Name : | Hourakhsh A. Nia | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijcua.com/index.php/jcua/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-6392 | |
Publisher Name : | Cherven Ivan | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://modecon.mnau.edu.ua/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-1760 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdelkhaliq MEBARKI | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.aneau.org/ajeau/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-1779 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Walid HAMMA | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.aneau.org/ijhs/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8910 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.G.Suseendran | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijirase.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-3190 | |
Publisher Name : | Hardivizon | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.staincurup.ac.id/index.php/alquds | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-6048 | |
Publisher Name : | Jesse Omoregie | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://mattersofbehaviour.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Pavel Neyezhmakov | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-7902 | |
Publisher Name : | Laura P. Betancourt | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://archivesofpsychology.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-2567 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.ipm2kpe.or.id/index.php/SPEJ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-7367 | |
Publisher Name : | Sandy Ramdhani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.hamzanwadi.ac.id/index.php/jga/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0890 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Yüksel ÖZTÜRK | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.tutad.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8244 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Richa Mishra | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.rbscience.in/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Malay K Das | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Associate Professor, A. Y. Dutse, Ph.D | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Sc. (Economics), Professor Tetiana Iefymenko | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-3819 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.ipm2kpe.or.id/index.php/LEEA | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7338 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/biopharmaceutical-sciences/ijbs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2517-7346 | |
Publisher Name : | Keith Howell | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.boffinaccess.com/journals/clinical-and-medical-cases/ijcmc | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Khalid Hassan | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3259 | |
Publisher Name : | Mansour koosha | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://relp.khuisf.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2574-1241 | |
Publisher Name : | Angela Roy | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://biomedres.us/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3393 | |
Publisher Name : | Ozan Selcik | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tushad | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4314 | |
Publisher Name : | PhD. Adil AKINCI | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/kusbder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2345-5608 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. S.A.Hashemi Monfared | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jhe.usb.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-6785 | |
Publisher Name : | Maslathif Dwi Purnomo | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.uinsu.ac.id/index.php/ijlres | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Halil ALDEMIR | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2619-9300 | |
Publisher Name : | serdar uygun | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/mamusbbd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-7760 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Vikram Singh | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijebmr.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3288 | |
Publisher Name : | Tuncay Aydemir | |
Country : | GermanyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijshs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-1293 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof.Dr. Kishore Tandon | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.cribfb.com/journal/ijafr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Bayu Mitra A. Kusuma | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-7013 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.worldnutrijournal.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-277X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Bilal Acemioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijct | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3008 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Yasin KELES | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/guntad | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-7127 | |
Publisher Name : | Victoria Pichugina | |
Country : | RUSSIAStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://hypothekai.ru | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0602 | |
Publisher Name : | Taner Bayraktar | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/baktipd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-2276 | |
Publisher Name : | Made Wiryana | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://bjoa.balijournals.org/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-6991 | |
Publisher Name : | Hossein Riahi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://phycology.sbu.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0389 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Milind J Umekar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://greencrosspublications.com/research-pharmaceutica/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2691-5014 | |
Publisher Name : | shengyou yu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jphn | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2622-2051 | |
Publisher Name : | Marlyn Jane Alputila | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/hukum/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2960-9984 | |
Publisher Name : | Tengiz Verulava | |
Country : | GeorgiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://heconomic.cu.edu.ge/index.php/healthecosoc | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2636-8226 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Cüneyt BAGDATLI | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ejar | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-8957 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/pollution-and-public-health | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-4331 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Khayala Mammadova | |
Country : | AzerbaijanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ijhsdr.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-4418 | |
Publisher Name : | Khayala Mammadova | |
Country : | AzerbaijanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ejsr.rg | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2599-0047 | |
Publisher Name : | Sani Ega Priani | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.unisba.ac.id/index.php/Farmasyifa/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-8868 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/neuroscience-and-neurological-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-8825 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/pesticides-and-bio-fertilizers | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2619-953X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Abdürresit Celil Karluk | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://daadtr.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2640-1045 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/endocrinology-and-disorders | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-8914 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/nutrition-and-food-processing | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-8965 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/obstetrics-gynecology-and-reproductive-sciences | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-8892 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/psychology-and-mental-health-care | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-8949 | |
Publisher Name : | Auctores | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://auctoresonline.org/journals/dermatology-and-dermatitis | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2443 | |
Publisher Name : | Emrah Konuralp | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/lectio | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2651-5369 | |
Publisher Name : | Valarie Akerson | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijtes.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2619-9416 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ridvan KARABULUT | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://sbdergi.ahievran.edu.tr/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-1337 | |
Publisher Name : | Otang Kurniaman | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/PJR | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2518-8046 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Syed Asif Ali | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.smiu.edu.pk/JOSSAMS-Journal.php | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2651-3307 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Halim Tatli | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/biibfad | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2599-0306 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Dewi Sulistianingsih, SH.,M.H | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/jpcl/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9909 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr B Srinivasulu | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ijraps.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ian Martins | |
Country : | United Arab EmiratesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.rroij.com/neuroscience.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-6942 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Anil Kumar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://srinivaspublication.com/ijcsbe/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-7000 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Srinivas Mayya | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://srinivaspublication.com/ijaeml/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2603-3283 | |
Publisher Name : | St Cyril and St Methodius University press | |
Country : | BulgariaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.uni-vt.bg/vtureview/bul/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2655-285X | |
Publisher Name : | Eunike Irene Kumaseh, S.Si, M.T | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.polnustar.ac.id/tkrg/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-1754 | |
Publisher Name : | Oheo K. Haris | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.uho.ac.id/index.php/holrev/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2319-5863 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Gautam Saha | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijiapp.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-3097 | |
Publisher Name : | Astuti | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jptam.org/index.php/jptam | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3806 | |
Publisher Name : | Hayrettin Kesgingöz | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/econder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2572-7931 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Qingyang Gu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jipd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-829X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Erna Budhiarti Nababan, M.IT | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://talenta.usu.ac.id/index.php/JoCAI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-0581 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Habeebullah Zakariyah | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://alhikmah.my/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-1134 | |
Publisher Name : | Rahmat Faizal | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.borneo.ac.id/ojs/index.php/BE | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4594 | |
Publisher Name : | Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Karakas | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | baksoder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-9241 | |
Publisher Name : | Shao C | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jrd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2766-8630 | |
Publisher Name : | - | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jrnm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2694-1201 | |
Publisher Name : | Ian James Martins | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jsn | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2547-989X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Serkan Yazici | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/sinopusd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-4893 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Amit Nagar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.actascientific.com/ASDS.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2630-5623 | |
Publisher Name : | Aysad Gudekli | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/aksos | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-4558 | |
Publisher Name : | Arash Taheri | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.clinicalcasereportsint.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-8104 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.jrspelt.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2663-6433 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmet Ceni | |
Country : | AlbaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://sites.google.com/view/businessandeconomicsmtjbe/home | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-1288 | |
Publisher Name : | Cristiane Davina Redin Freitas | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://online.unisc.br/seer/index.php/psi | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-6700 | |
Publisher Name : | Rahmat kamaruddin, S.Pd, M.Pd | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.stkip-andi-matappa.ac.id/index.php/histogram/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2530-8157 | |
Publisher Name : | Inmaculada Martínez Pérez | |
Country : | SpainStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://polired.upm.es/index.php/building_management/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2622-6804 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ir. Untung Rahardja, M.T.I., MM | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijc.ilearning.co/index.php/ATM | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6616 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Fatih MENGELOGLU | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/turkjforsci | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2661-7838 | |
Publisher Name : | Alkama Djamel | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://oasesvox.com/journals/index.php/ijirhs/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2661-7145 | |
Publisher Name : | Alkama Djamel | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://oasesvox.com/journals/index.php/ijitas | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-5449 | |
Publisher Name : | Mac Aditiawarman | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.sastra-unes.com/index.php/JIPS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-8018 | |
Publisher Name : | Suherman | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnalpertanianumpar.com/index.php/jdm/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2575-159X | |
Publisher Name : | Yolander R. Youngblood, Ph.D. | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.pvamu.edu/pursue/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2520-4521 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Pratap Chandra Mandal | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://napublisher.org/?ic=journal&journal=8&info=aims | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2640-5709 | |
Publisher Name : | None | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scireslit.com/Endocrinology/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2622-2353 | |
Publisher Name : | Lutfi Ariefianto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/JLC/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-4346 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. M.A. Naidu | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijms.co.in | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2577-509X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Waynne James and Prof. Cihan Cobanoglu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jger/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-7965 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Shefali Gola | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sshi.in/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2655-951X | |
Publisher Name : | Ismed | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://logista.fateta.unand.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1995 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/can | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2590-3799 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Nurul Asiah Fasehah binti Muhamad | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jqss.usim.edu.my/index.php/jqss | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-846X | |
Publisher Name : | Laura D. Lowrey Clark | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/anesthesia-pain-research-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1707 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/tge | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2577-2279 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdelmonem Awad Mustafa Hegazy | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijha | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1804 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/as | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1782 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/tse | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-5194 | |
Publisher Name : | Mizindari Malkhaz | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.auctoresonline.org/journals/gastroenterology-pancreatology-and-hepatobilary-disorders | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1944 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/tm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-5143 | |
Publisher Name : | Tsuyoshi Hirata | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.auctoresonline.org/journals/marine-biology-and-aquascape | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-5267 | |
Publisher Name : | M. M. Karindas | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://madridge.org/journal-of-oncogenesis | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-9345 | |
Publisher Name : | Amar Akbar,S.Kep,Ns, M.Kes | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijnms.net/index.php/ijnms | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0882 | |
Publisher Name : | Ali KARATAS | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tader | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2663-693X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Zahoor Ul Haq | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jaebs.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2676-1564 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammed Lamine Kamel | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/534 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2613-988X | |
Publisher Name : | Wahyu Sasongko Putro | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.kemalapublisher.com/index.php/JoMA | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-2942 | |
Publisher Name : | Cherry Triwidiarto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://agriprima.polije.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-0068 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof.Dr. Murat Tuncer | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/eduref | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4306 | |
Publisher Name : | Salih Tellioglu | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sbedergi.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-1280 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Budiyono, M.Si | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id/index.php/IJEBAR | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2610-7872 | |
Publisher Name : | Luis Morales La Paz | |
Country : | VenezuelaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://cedeg.org/reeei/index.php/reeei | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2690-1919 | |
Publisher Name : | Awad A. Magbri | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.auctoresonline.org/journals/journal-of-clinical-research-and-reports | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-8014 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Noni Rozaini, M.Si | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/niagawan | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2537-0162 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Hocine Bougdah | |
Country : | EgyptStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://press.ierek.com/index.php/ARChive | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-2738 | |
Publisher Name : | Helmi Fauzi Siregar | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.una.ac.id/index.php/jurti/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2520-4521 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Pratap Chandra Mandal | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://napublisher.org/?ic=journal&journal=8&info=aims | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2603-3801 | |
Publisher Name : | Iliana PAVLOVA (PhD, Prof. at „St. Cyril and St. Methodius“ University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria) | |
Country : | BulgariaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.uni-vt.bg/mc/eng/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-4427 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Arun K Aggarwal | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijhsir.ahsas-pgichd.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-2540 | |
Publisher Name : | Refky Fielnanda | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.lp2m.uinjambi.ac.id/ojp/index.php/iltizam/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3245 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof.Dr. Mustafa Sitki Bilgin | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ulisa | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-2010 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/ace | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-0521 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. MUhammad Naeem Aamir | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jcponline.pk/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-5859 | |
Publisher Name : | DrC. Efraín Velasteguí López PhD. | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://concienciadigital.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2645-7164 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Mahmooh mehrmohammadi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://te-research.cfu.ac.ir/?lang=en | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2640-6403 | |
Publisher Name : | Lin Ye | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jtrr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-3166 | |
Publisher Name : | Prem Narain | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jar | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-8287 | |
Publisher Name : | Takuma Hayashi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ijgms.edwiserinternational.com/home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-325X | |
Publisher Name : | Akla | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/index.php/tarbawiyah/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2530-5115 | |
Publisher Name : | Javier Sanz-Valero | |
Country : | SpainStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.revistahad.eu/index.php/revistahad | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9666 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Pooja DasGupta | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jusimperator.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2575-1212 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammed Ezzat El Zowalaty | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jvhc | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-425X | |
Publisher Name : | Agustina Heryati | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.uigm.ac.id/index.php/PGM/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-2818 | |
Publisher Name : | Roman Kireev | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jfb | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-9359 | |
Publisher Name : | Karolina Golab | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jot | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-9383 | |
Publisher Name : | Jong In Kim | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jhhr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-6075 | |
Publisher Name : | Yu Peng | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jpae | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-4469 | |
Publisher Name : | Cumali Keskin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/japb | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-1716 | |
Publisher Name : | Ken H Young | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jn | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-6713 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Deependra Sharma | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://iearjc.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-8486 | |
Publisher Name : | Hugo Chinchilla Calix | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/cardiology-vascular-research-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9326 | |
Publisher Name : | Mahir Khalil Ibrahim Jallo | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/diabetes-its-complications-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-8494 | |
Publisher Name : | Amedeo Amedei | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/clinical-immunology-research-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9334 | |
Publisher Name : | Omar Massoud | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/gastroenterology-hepatology-digestive-disorders-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9342 | |
Publisher Name : | Makoto Emoto | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/gynecology-reproductive-health-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-944X | |
Publisher Name : | Aris Lacis | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/journal-of-medical-clinical-research-reviews-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9458 | |
Publisher Name : | Mamie T. Coats | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/microbiology-infectious-diseases-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9474 | |
Publisher Name : | Michelle Ollivierre-Lawrence | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/nursing-primary-care-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-9426 | |
Publisher Name : | David W. Low | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-plastic-reconstructive-surgery-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-9469 | |
Publisher Name : | Amy Akella Sarma | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-cardiology-and-cardiovascular-medicine-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9490 | |
Publisher Name : | Frank A Licht | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/oral-health-and-dental-science-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2639-9512 | |
Publisher Name : | Henry E. Young | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.scivisionpub.com/journals/stem-cell-and-regenerative-medicine-home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-9485 | |
Publisher Name : | Sergey Kolesnikov | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-clinical-hepatology-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2356-9271 | |
Publisher Name : | Mazen Elyas | |
Country : | EgyptStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.mjournals.com/index.php/MJBR | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-9181 | |
Publisher Name : | Peyman Arasteh | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijnr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-0246 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohammad Arif Kamal | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://napublisher.org/?ic=journal&journal=9&info=aims | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-2738 | |
Publisher Name : | Helmi Fauzi Siregar | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.una.ac.id/index.php/jurti/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-9162 | |
Publisher Name : | Hirotada TSUJII | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://crimsonpublishers.com/apdv/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-5585 | |
Publisher Name : | Lalu Murdi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.hamzanwadi.ac.id/index.php/fhs/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Igor Klepikov | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scitechnol.com/research-journal-clinical-pediatrics.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 7757-2661 | |
Publisher Name : | Mouffok KERROUM | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.revuerawafid.net | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Fathi Habashi | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scitechnol.com/metals-research.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Menicagli Roberto | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scitechnol.com/research-reports-gastroenterology.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-6886 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Rouzbeh Dabiri | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jnace.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2538-4414 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Soroush Sardari | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.healthbiotechpharm.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2577-2007 | |
Publisher Name : | Sharon K Byrne | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://crimsonpublishers.com/cojnh/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-0336 | |
Publisher Name : | Michael AB Naafs | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://crimsonpublishers.com/eaes/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Shabana Khan | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scitechnol.com/journal-physiotherapy-rehabilitation.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2516-029X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Andrew Ware | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://aetic.theiaer.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Ubaldo Comite | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scitechnol.com/research-journal-economics.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Felix Jaetae Seo | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.scitechnol.com/research-journal-optics-photonics.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2621-2358 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hamdan, M.M | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.stiepertiba.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jem/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-2188 | |
Publisher Name : | Ricardo V García-Mayor | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://juniperpublishers.com/jetr/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4231 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Hikmet Jamil | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=environmental-studies | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5764 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Farid Amirouche | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=muskuloskeletal-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6474 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. John Albert St.Cyr | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=laparoscopy | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6490 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Earl A Zimmerman | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=alzheimers-disease-and-dementia | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4290 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Elliott S White | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=cognitive-science | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-6477 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. William J Hendry | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=endocrinology-and-metabolism | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5713 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Paul H Hartel | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=lung-cancer | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-5033 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Michael Stark | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=gynecology-and-obstetrics | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4533 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Frederick J Passman | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=microbiology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5985 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Boris M Ariel | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=pulmonology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5721 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Ai Xuan Le Holterman | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=pediatric-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6334 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Steven Ross Murray | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=sports-medicine | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-606X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Michael Saul Isaacson | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=nanotechnology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4967 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Laida Restrepo | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=pediatrics | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6482 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. James C Chatters | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=anthropology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4266 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Gary D Rayson | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=analytical-and-bioanalytical-chemistry | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6342 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Ted Rosen | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=dermatology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4576 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Bharat Bhushan | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=biomedical-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6350 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Kau-Fui Vincent Wong | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=aerospace-engineering-and-mechanics | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4525 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. William Kirby Smith | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=forest-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-6094 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Alfio Ferlito | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=neuro-oncology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-658X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Gary D Steinberg | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=anesthesia-and-pain-management | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
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ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6571 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Barbara G Melamed | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=brain-disorders | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5780 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. John Albert St Cyr | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=cardiothoracic-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5993 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Kathy Sanders Phillips | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=depression-and-anxiety | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6210 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Sarwar Hashmi | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=gastroenterology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4878 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Gregory K Fontenot | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=human-nutrition | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4274 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Edward C. Lauterbach | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=neurodegenerative-disorders | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5705 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Qing Liu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=rice-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-6469 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. George Perry | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=neurosurgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2642-4797 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Kenneth C. Sassower | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=pediatric-neurology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-7187 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Thomas H Shaffer | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=orthopedic-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-5799 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Michael Thomas Aide | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=soil-and-water-science | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2582-5224 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Prasanth Viswambharan | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.ipskerala.com/JPID.htm | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-6369 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Alfio Ferlito | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=otolaryngology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-6051 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. John D. Bullock | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=infectious-diseases | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-6000 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Xiaowei Xu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholarlypages.org/journal.php?jid=artificial-intelligence | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-3885 | |
Publisher Name : | Thanos C Badekas | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-foot-and-ankle.php?jid=ijfa | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-1035 | |
Publisher Name : | Jesi Irwanto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.stiewidyagamalumajang.ac.id/index.php/eps | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-3907 | |
Publisher Name : | Zi-Jun Liu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery.php?jid=iaoms | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-8295 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof Vd Kartar Singh Dhiman | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.jdrasccras.com/journalDetails/JDRAS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-3966 | |
Publisher Name : | Richard Kones | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-cardiovascular-diseases.php?jid=iacvd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4008 | |
Publisher Name : | A C Matin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-medical-microbiology.php?jid=iamm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-8934 | |
Publisher Name : | Burhanudin Tola | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jisae | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4016 | |
Publisher Name : | Soldano Ferrone | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-orthopedic-surgery.php?jid=iaos | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4059 | |
Publisher Name : | Photios Anninos | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-depression-and-anxiety.php?jid=ijda | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4091 | |
Publisher Name : | Kadir Aslan | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/clinical-archives-of-bone-and-joint-diseases.php?jid=cabjd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4466 | |
Publisher Name : | Photios Anninos | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-internal-medicine.php?jid=iaim | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4148 | |
Publisher Name : | Hsien Yuanlane | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-communication-disorder.php?jid=iacod | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4474 | |
Publisher Name : | Francesco Maiuri | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/neurosurgery-cases-and-reviews.php?jid=ncr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4512 | |
Publisher Name : | Jose Luis Turabian | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-archives-of-public-health-and-community-medicine.php?jid=iaphcm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4539 | |
Publisher Name : | Vladimir S Kostic | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-neurodegenerative-disorders.php?jid=ijnd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4555 | |
Publisher Name : | Marcello Ciaccio | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/reproductive-medicine-international.php?jid=rmi | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4563 | |
Publisher Name : | Osamu Tanaka | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-oncology-research.php?jid=ijor | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-4571 | |
Publisher Name : | Khue Vu Nguyen | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-rare-diseases-and-disorders.php?jid=ijrdd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2643-461X | |
Publisher Name : | Young Lee | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-tropical-diseases.php?jid=ijtd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2663-7707 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Farzand Ali Jan | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://inu.edu.pk/ijbm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-012X | |
Publisher Name : | Faisal Fikri, drh., M.Vet. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JMV/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-4396 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Aamir Hanif | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://uwjst.org.pk/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-8015 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. A. Arunachalam | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijnhrjournal.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
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ISSN (Print) : | 2588-4565 | |
Publisher Name : | seyed mohammadreza mousavi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://rahbordsyasi.saminatech.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-1359 | |
Publisher Name : | Syarif Hidayatullah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.iaimbima.ac.id/index.php/sangaji | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-9585 | |
Publisher Name : | Cut Rahmawati | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.abulyatama.ac.id/index.php/humaniora/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-7667 | |
Publisher Name : | Masayoshi Yamaguchi | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/integrative-food-sciences-nutrition/43 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Calvin A Brown III | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-clinical-anesthesia-research-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-7586 | |
Publisher Name : | Pierpaolo Di Micco | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/blood-disorders-symptoms-treatments/30 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-7624 | |
Publisher Name : | Ali Cyrus Banan | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/gastroenterology-hepatology-endoscopy/35 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2638-9991 | |
Publisher Name : | Thomas J. Santoro | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/clinical-medical-cases-reports-reviews/39 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-7683 | |
Publisher Name : | Alireza Heidari | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/clinical-cardiology/44 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-7713 | |
Publisher Name : | Alain L. Fymat | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://scientonline.org/journals/public-health/47 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2644-0385 | |
Publisher Name : | Yu Minzhong | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/clinical-ophthalmology-eye-disorders/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2512-6962 | |
Publisher Name : | Lukasz Wróblewski | |
Country : | GermanyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.logos-verlag.de/CMSE | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2442-8663 | |
Publisher Name : | Selinaswati, S.Sos., M.A., Ph.D. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://socius.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/socius | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-1175 | |
Publisher Name : | Syaharuddin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.ummat.ac.id/index.php/jtam | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2620-5718 | |
Publisher Name : | Irmawati Sagala, S.IP., M.Si. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.fdi.or.id/index.php/jaspt/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2514-541X | |
Publisher Name : | Anatoly E. Soshchenko, Dr Sci. (Eng.), Professor [RSCI Author ID: 441663; h-index: 7 | |
Country : | RussiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://pipeline-science.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2582-0257 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Shakuntala Laskar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journals.dbuniversity.ac.in/ojs/index.php/AJEEE | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-7464 | |
Publisher Name : | DR. Rahadian Zainul M,Si | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://eksakta.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/eksakta/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-7513 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hossein Azizi Nejad | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jonapte.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2645-5439 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hossein Azizi Nejad | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jonarbset.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4616 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdulhakim TUGLUK | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/eeder | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2667-8470 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Okan SARIGÖZ | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/mkuefder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1460-7530 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ali Abdollah | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://iecec.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-6403 | |
Publisher Name : | Manju Makhija | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://heb-nic.in/cass-studies | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0065-2563 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Farajollah Ahmadi | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://aest.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1099-2103 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohammad Karimi | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://atvs.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2661-7773 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Abdelhadi Messaoudi | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/440 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1530-7247 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohammad Ali Hosseini | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijaee.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0740-7874 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Zahra Hashemi | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://erss.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0362-2428 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Narges Rasooli | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://rcppb.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2249-0582 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Reza Manochehri | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://wjepas.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1563-4795 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ali Abdollah | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ecda.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0095-8476 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Leila Davarpanah | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://cmej.europeansp.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2577-2953 | |
Publisher Name : | Yin Hao Chiu | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://medwinpublishers.com/EOIJ/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2545-7284 | |
Publisher Name : | Mg. Cecilia Rozemblum | |
Country : | ArgentinaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.descentrada.fahce.unlp.edu.ar | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2630-6433 | |
Publisher Name : | Babek Erdebilli (B. D. Rouyendegh) | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/jtom | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-3051 | |
Publisher Name : | Ali Imran Sinaga | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.uinsu.ac.id/index.php/ansiru/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-6934 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ireneusz Kubiak | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ijrei.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-3550 | |
Publisher Name : | Isis Ikhwansyah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.fh.unpad.ac.id/index.php/acta/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-9895 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof Vd Kartar Singh Dhiman | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.jrasccras.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-507X | |
Publisher Name : | Gede Arya Bagus Arisudhana | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.binausadabali.ac.id/index.php/caring/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-3613 | |
Publisher Name : | NA | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://smjournals.com/nephrology-therapeutics/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2058-833X | |
Publisher Name : | Patrick De Wilde | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.witpress.com/journals/ha | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2058-8313 | |
Publisher Name : | Giorgio Passerini | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.witpress.com/journals/tdi | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2617-3530 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. El Sayed El Habbasha | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.itspoa.com/journal/as | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Yutao Xi | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-stem-cell-research-therapy-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2766-8487 | |
Publisher Name : | Daniel R Schlatterer | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/annals-of-trauma-and-acute-care-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Kun Jiang | |
Country : | United Arab EmiratesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.rroij.com/reports-in-cancer-and-treatment.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-3358 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. R. Dubey | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://everant.org/index.php/etj | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-1775 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dedi Hermon, MP | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://sjdgge.ppj.unp.ac.id | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2641-5518 | |
Publisher Name : | Berton Alessandra | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcci | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2654-4970 | |
Publisher Name : | Jasri | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/jhes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0400 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Starodub, Nickolaj Fedorovich | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.wjahr.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2319-5878 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Katalin Prokai | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijmpronline.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2766-8398 | |
Publisher Name : | Constantine T Frantzides | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/journal-of-surgical-techniques-and-procedures-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-0367 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslamkhan | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://tijfs.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2663-7901 | |
Publisher Name : | Asmat Ullah | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://pdfpk.net/pdf/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2637-8841 | |
Publisher Name : | Klause Lisa | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://smjournals.com/arthritis-research/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2454-8650 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. (Dr.) Priyavrat Thareja, Former Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, GNA University, Hargobindpura, Phagwara, Punjab, India. | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.adrpublications.in/technology-journals/journal-of-advanced-research-in-mechanical-engineering-and-technology?limit=75 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-429X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Priyavrat Thareja | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.adrpublications.in/technology-journals/journal-of-advanced-research-in-production-and-industrial-engineering?limit=75 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-0168 | |
Publisher Name : | Renato Travassos Beltrame | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://revista.unesc.br/ojs/index.php/revistaunesc | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-2427 | |
Publisher Name : | Serdal Ogut | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/amusbfd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2576-4004 | |
Publisher Name : | Klause Lisa | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://smjournals.com/preventive-public-health/index.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-6314 | |
Publisher Name : | Katia Rubio | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://olimpianos.com.br/journal | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2656-1948 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdul Mubarak | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.unkhair.ac.id/index.php/jiko/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-2738 | |
Publisher Name : | Helmi Fauzi Siregar | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.una.ac.id/index.php/jurti/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2688-7517 | |
Publisher Name : | Kenneth Blum | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.auctoresonline.org/journals/addiction-research-and-adolescent-behaviour | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-5423 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Tapan K. Chaudhuri | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://actascientific.com/ASPS.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2582-0931 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Salim R Surani | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://actascientific.com/ASMS.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2664-8245 | |
Publisher Name : | Feibert A. Guzmán | |
Country : | BoliviaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistaingenieria.org/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3285 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. J. C. Tewari | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://farmjournal.info/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Alan B Weitberg | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.remedypublications.com/american-journal-of-leukemia-research-home.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2582-1423 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Spiros Paramithiotis | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://actascientific.com/ASNH.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-6074 | |
Publisher Name : | Noviansyah Rizal | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.stiewidyagamalumajang.ac.id/index.php/asset | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-8888 | |
Publisher Name : | Moh. Hudi Setyobakti | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejournal.stiewidyagamalumajang.ac.id/index.php/adv | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2626-3041 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Nanuli Doreulee | |
Country : | GermanyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://gmjpress.de | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2635-2958 | |
Publisher Name : | Professor Ofuan James ILaboya | |
Country : | NigeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.atreview.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-5957 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Achmad Yusuf, S.PdI., M. Pd | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.yudharta.ac.id/v2/index.php/ims | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3474 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖCAL | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/car | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-9962 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Purwarno | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.uisu.ac.id/index.php/languageliteracy/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-0096 | |
Publisher Name : | Fang Chen | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.antpublisher.com/index.php/CSRC | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2591-541X | |
Publisher Name : | María Mare | |
Country : | ArgentinaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://revele.uncoma.edu.ar/htdoc/revele/index.php/lingustica | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2656-6605 | |
Publisher Name : | Jaipuri Harahap | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.uinbanten.ac.id/index.php/aqlania | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-7884 | |
Publisher Name : | Marconi Freitas da Costa | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://periodicos.ufpe.br/revistas/cbr/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-3631 | |
Publisher Name : | Majid Mohammadhosseini | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://tpr.iau-shahrood.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-8785 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Azhari Md Hashim | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijidecs.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-6176 | |
Publisher Name : | Mohammad Noviani Ardi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/ua/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-7559 | |
Publisher Name : | André Luís Janzkovski Cardoso | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/repad/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2590-3691 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Kartheges Ponniah | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.mjsshonline.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-4667 | |
Publisher Name : | Nilgün OKAY, Esma BULUS KIRIKKAYA | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/resilience | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7096 | |
Publisher Name : | Bey Zekkoub Abdelali | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.mediu.edu.my/index.php/IISJ/index | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2664-1186 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Muhammad Ameen | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://sites2.uol.edu.pk/journals/index.php/al-tabyeen | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-0531 | |
Publisher Name : | Dimas Garda Rimbawan | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal-lp2m.umnaw.ac.id/index.php/AJPKM | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2521-2869 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Syed Bacha Agha | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.rahatulquloob.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-8851 | |
Publisher Name : | Isnarmi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jmce.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/JMCE/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-9075 | |
Publisher Name : | Nisfil Maghfiroh Meita | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://alpen.web.id/index.php/alpen/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2617-5967 | |
Publisher Name : | Inshyn Mykola | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://soclaw.com.ua/index.php/journal | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-5710 | |
Publisher Name : | TANZILA NABEEL | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jie.aiou.edu.pk/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2663-7901 | |
Publisher Name : | Asmat Ullah | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://pdfpk.net/pdf/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5911 | |
Publisher Name : | Irfan YILDIRIM | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/tusbid | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2564-6770 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hüseyin Okur | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/kider | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3199 | |
Publisher Name : | EPSTEM | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/epstem | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2532-683X | |
Publisher Name : | Giuseppe De Giovanni | |
Country : | ItalyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.agathon.it/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2548-6144 | |
Publisher Name : | I KETUT SWARJANA, S.KM., M.PH., DR. PH. | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.itekes-bali.ac.id/index.php/jrkn | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2622-5905 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ns. Lilin Rosyanti | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://myjurnal.poltekkes-kdi.ac.id/index.php/HIJP | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2716-3776 | |
Publisher Name : | Candra Wijaya | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.uinsu.ac.id/index.php/benchmarking/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-438x | |
Publisher Name : | Nelson Alves Pereira Junior | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.neurometria.com.br/journalscientific/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2575-5447 | |
Publisher Name : | Alain L Fymat | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scientiaricerca.com/cons.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-6217 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Öner AKGÜL | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/aeuiibfd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-3086 | |
Publisher Name : | Zakaria Batubara | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.stiesyariahbengkalis.ac.id/index.php/jas | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7775 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Aftab Khan | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/nn | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7740 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Songjun Li | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/scr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7767 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Younes Mohammadi | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/vd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7791 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Chih-Ta Tsai | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/msmr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7783 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Farid ABED-MERAIM | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/msacm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7651 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Mohammad Hassan Salmani | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/gse | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2529-7732 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Kamlesh Tharwani | |
Country : | SingaporeStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/gs/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2707-1219 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Aijaz Ali Khoso | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.arjish.com/index.php/ARJISH/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2734-2603 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof Jacob Ehiorobo | |
Country : | NigeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://nijest.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-9310 | |
Publisher Name : | Andri Kurniawan | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.uinmataram.ac.id/index.php/komunike | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2546-115X | |
Publisher Name : | Rex Bringula | |
Country : | PhilippinesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.stepacademic.net | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-3461 | |
Publisher Name : | Muhrisun Afandi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/pusat/panangkaran | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2613-9782 | |
Publisher Name : | Rahmat Eko Sanjaya | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jtam.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jcae/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-5180 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Bharat H Mimroth | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.phonixcentre.in/journal.php | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2685-1625 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Felisyanus Sanga, M.Pd | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ejurnal-pendidikanbahasaundana.com | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2550-6749 | |
Country : | EcuadorStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://identidadbolivariana.itb.edu.ec/index.php/identidadbolivariana | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2687-4393 | |
Publisher Name : | Huseyin Selvi | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jedihes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2715-0089 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdul Firman Ashaf | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://komunikasi.fisip.unila.ac.id/jurnal/index.php/metakom/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2574-5603 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jpedd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1812 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/th | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1766 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jacs | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1936 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/nrcr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2573-5985 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/ti | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2574-2779 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheah Yoke Kqueen Head of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Unit, Universiti Putra, Malaysia | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jtb.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jtb | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1618 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/irr | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1626 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/cse | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2578-1669 | |
Publisher Name : | No | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/csma | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2588-2872 | |
Publisher Name : | Hosein Naderpour | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.jsoftcivil.com/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2457-0443 | |
Publisher Name : | Dhammananda Khadkutkar | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.ijacare.in | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 4255-2588 | |
Publisher Name : | Manizheh Mollaei | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.ensd.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2645-4408 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Mehrdad Fathi | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.jares.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2526-6136 | |
Publisher Name : | Gilberto Januario | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/emd | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2645-4394 | |
Publisher Name : | Manizheh Mollaei | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.arien.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2613-9863 | |
Publisher Name : | Achmad Reza Hutama Al Faruqi | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id/index.php/tasfiyah/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2636-2147 | |
Publisher Name : | Vladimir Figueroa Gutierrez | |
Country : | Dominican RepublicStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistas.isfodosu.edu.do/index.php/recie | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2697-3456 | |
Publisher Name : | Carlos Morales Paredes | |
Country : | AfghanistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://editorialibkn.com/index.php/Yachasun | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-1142 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Syeda Sadia | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2587-2206 | |
Publisher Name : | Mustafa HATIPLER | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.mericjournal.com | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2664-0856 | |
Publisher Name : | Mercedes Delgado Fernández | |
Country : | CubaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://apye.esceg.cu/index.php/apye | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1234-5678 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Muhammad Arshad Javaid | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://pssr.org.pk/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-2924 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Dr. Bhagwan Das | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jae-tech.com/index.php/jaet | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2661-7854 | |
Publisher Name : | Lilia Benmensour | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/462 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2707-7179 | |
Publisher Name : | Ahmed Atia | |
Country : | LibyaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://alqalam.utripoli.edu.ly/science/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2707-8809 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Naazer | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ajips.fairlips.org/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2559-608X | |
Publisher Name : | Lacramioara Robescu, Raluca Condruz | |
Country : | RomaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.comoti.ro/ro/jurnalul_stiintific_turbo.htm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2527-2624 | |
Publisher Name : | Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa Soares | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistas.unila.edu.br/relus/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2542-2014 | |
Publisher Name : | Nikolay Potapenko | |
Country : | RussiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://pro-sud-123.ru/journals/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-3470 | |
Publisher Name : | Sobrul Laeli | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.unida.ac.id/jtm | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2664-8148 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Ashfaq U. Rehman | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.lassij.org | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2582-371X | |
Publisher Name : | Professor B. B. Chaudhuri (Life Fellow of IEEE), FNA, FNAE, FNASc, FIAPR, FTWAS | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.tiutic.org/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9704 | |
Publisher Name : | BIRINDER SINGH | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://supremoamicus.org/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2613-8808 | |
Publisher Name : | Berenice Pacheco-Salazar | |
Country : | Dominican RepublicStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistas.intec.edu.do/index.php/ciened/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2534-9813 | |
Publisher Name : | Nikolai Stoianov | |
Country : | BulgariaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.jdst.eu/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-5059 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Puneet Joshi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://mjbas.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-7964 | |
Publisher Name : | Jenny Victoria Olivares Alvares | |
Country : | BoliviaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistahorizontes.org/index.php/revistahorizontes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2598-8204 | |
Publisher Name : | Susiana | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ojs.umrah.ac.id/index.php/akuatiklestari/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-4434 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr Muhammad Makki | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://njips.nust.edu.pk/index.php/njips | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-8219 | |
Publisher Name : | Roger Dante Prado Lafuente | |
Country : | BoliviaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistahorizontes.org/index.php/revistahorizontes | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2664-0902 | |
Publisher Name : | Alcides Wilfredo Carpio | |
Country : | BoliviaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://revistaalfa.org/index.php/revistaalfa | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2582-3981 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Puneet Joshi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://iijsr.com/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-883X | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Puneet Joshi | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ajast.net/ | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2456-9704 | |
Publisher Name : | Birinder singh | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | www.supremoamicus.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2722-1210 | |
Publisher Name : | Hj. Riyadhotus Sholichah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.staidagresik.ac.id/index.php/atthiflah/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2616-4922 | |
Publisher Name : | Kastriot Haxhirexha | |
Country : | AlbaniaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://journal.astes.org.al/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Noor A. Shaikh | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ijcet.salu.edu.pk/index.php/IJCET/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2581-3242 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Vijender Kumar Solanki | |
Country : | IndiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.mlnce.net/index.php/Home | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2597-405X | |
Publisher Name : | Pangeran Paita yunus | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ojs.unm.ac.id/Nuansa/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2676-2242 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Bensalah Mohammed Hadj Aissa | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/445 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-3077 | |
Publisher Name : | Karina Megasari Winahyu | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jurnal.umt.ac.id/index.php/jik/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2580-5738 | |
Publisher Name : | Rahman Syamsuddin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Jurisprudentie | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2594-5033 | |
Publisher Name : | Altemar Amaral Rocha | |
Country : | BrazilStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/geo | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2708-888X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Khlaid bnelhaj | |
Country : | LibyaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journal.khalijedental.com.ly/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-2192 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Merter AKINCI | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/uiibfd | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2602-3474 | |
Publisher Name : | Mehmet Öcal | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/car | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8721 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Luca Cicalese | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=gastrointestinal-and-hepatic-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8950 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. A C Matin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=gene-and-genome-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8756 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. A C Matin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=gynecological-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8942 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. David R Black | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=health-care | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8853 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Jan Suliman Moreb | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=leukemia-research | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8896 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. William Tse | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=hematology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8845 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. David A Reznik | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=hiv-and-aids | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8764 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Asif Bashir | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=minimally-invasive-surgeries | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8969 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Michael HJ Maes | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=mood-disorders | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8667 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Renat Letfullin | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=photonics-and-optics | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8772 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Alfio Ferlito | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8837 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Alireza Heidari | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=oral-cancer | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8748 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Ricardo Becerro De Bengoa Vallejo | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=surgical-dermatology | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-8993 | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Edward Taub | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=translational-neuroscience | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2689-873X | |
Publisher Name : | Prof. Jean Mercier Ythier | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=transplant-surgery | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2516-2047 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr.Humayun Bakht | |
Country : | United KingdomStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://sites.google.com/site/jcomandman/home | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7096 | |
Publisher Name : | Bey Zekkoub Abdelali | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ojs.mediu.edu.my/index.php/IISJ/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Hisham Morsi | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://dx.doi.org/10.18576/ab | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Ghassan Awad | |
Country : | United StatesStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.naturalspublishing.com/show.asp?JorID=67&pgid=0 | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2549-1113 | |
Publisher Name : | M. Ridwan | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://autentik.stkippgrisumenep.ac.id/index.php/autentik/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2636-8412 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdülkadir Kabadayi | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ijqe | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2717-7564 | |
Publisher Name : | Jolanta Burke | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://journalppw.com/index.php/JPPW | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-ND | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2600-7266 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mok Soon Sim | |
Country : | MalaysiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://myjms.moe.gov.my/index.php/ijmal/issue/view/923 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2631-2832 | |
Publisher Name : | Marlon Serrano Valdiviezo | |
Country : | EcuadorStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://suplementocica.uleam.edu.ec/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2717-0551 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Hossain Rafee | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://jpir.journals.umz.ac.ir | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2651-3986 | |
Publisher Name : | Sahin IDIN | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/steam | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2620-7184 | |
Publisher Name : | Husin Husin | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://jurnal.stiq-amuntai.ac.id/index.php/al-madrasah | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2656-5331 | |
Publisher Name : | Kusnoto | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JoPS | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2523-6067 | |
Publisher Name : | Dr. Riffat Sultana | |
Country : | PakistanStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://sujo.usindh.edu.pk/index.php/USJAS | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2714-8793 | |
Publisher Name : | Ali Muhayatsyah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://ejurnal.iainlhokseumawe.ac.id/index.php/jeskape | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-SA | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2618-5873 | |
Publisher Name : | Abdurahim Istemi SAYLAM | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/utad | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2538-4449 | |
Publisher Name : | Golestan University of Medical Sciences | |
Country : | IranStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://mlj.goums.ac.ir/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2676-2307 | |
Publisher Name : | moussa ben elbar | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/504 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 0000-0000 | |
Publisher Name : | Lene Larsen | |
Country : | DenmarkStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://www.danish-science.org | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 1234-5678 | |
Publisher Name : | Kerisman Halawa | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://e-journal.sari-mutiara.ac.id/index.php/JLMI | |
Licence Type : | CC BY-NC | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2667-8470 | |
Publisher Name : | Assoc. Dr. Okan SARIGOZ | |
Country : | TurkeyStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/mkuefder | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2710-8007 | |
Publisher Name : | amrani kerboussa | |
Country : | AlgeriaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/501 | |
Licence Type : | No License | |
Discipline : | Interdiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2615-7829 | |
Publisher Name : | Asep Saefullah Kamali | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://stkip.syekhmanshur.ac.id/jurnal/index.php/CP/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2579-4914 | |
Publisher Name : | Iyah Faniyah | |
Country : | IndonesiaStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | https://www.swarajustisia.unespadang.ac.id/index.php/UJSJ/index | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2522-9052 | |
Publisher Name : | Yevgen Sokol | |
Country : | UkraineStart Year : 2017 | |
Journal URL : | http://ais.khpi.edu.ua/ | |
Licence Type : | CC BY | |
Discipline : | Multidiciplinary | |
| |
ISSN (Print) : | 2614-1345 | |